Understanding Your Bill – Commercial Everything You Need to Know About Your Bill. Understanding your bill is important, and we want to give you the tools to do that easily. We created this interactive guide to walk you through every detail of your bill. Just roll over a section of the bill below to get an explanation of what it is. 1 Average. This field allows you to see your average daily electric use in kilowatt hours (kWh). Your average daily use is determined by the billing period kWh divided by the number of days in the read period. 2 Current Electric Charges. Member Service Charge A fixed monthly fee that helps recover the operating expenses of the cooperative. It is assessed to all Co-op members, regardless of how many kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity they use. Delivery Charge This is a volumetric charge calculated on the amount of kWh consumed each month. This charge helps recover those operating and maintenance costs that vary due to the amount of electricity used. System Benefit Charge A per kWh charge that consists of (2) components; energy efficiency programs for Co-op members and the State of New Hampshire’s Statewide Electric Assistance program which provides bill relief for residential members who meet income qualifications. NH Consumption & Net Taxes A state of New Hampshire tax charged on all accounts Regional Access Charge A per kWh charge for the cost of accessing the regional transmission grid and related expenses Co-op Power A per kWh charge that represents the cost of electric energy the Cooperative purchases for its members on the competitive wholesale market. 3 Statement of Account. Area itemizes any other charges not directly related to your electric usage Optional NHEC Foundation If you have not opted out of the Round Up Program, your monthly electric bill is rounded up to the next dollar with the proceeds benefitting the NHEC Foundation. This line indicates the amount of your monthly contribution 4 Information Box. Reserved for general information of interest to all Co-op members 5 Comment. A field that will contain meter reading information pertaining to your account. The field will note, for instance, if your last meter read was estimated Understanding Your Bill – Sample Commercial Bill 1 2 3 4 5 Understanding Your Bill – Sample Commercial Bill 1 2 3 4 5 1 Average This field allows you to see your average daily electric use in kilowatt hours (kWh). Your average daily use is determined by the billing period kWh divided by the number of days in the read period. 2 Current Electric Charges Member Service Charge A fixed monthly fee charged whether or nor any kilowatt hours are delivered. Delivery Charge The price per kWh for delivering electricity to your home or business System Benefit Charge A per kWh charge that consists of (2) components; energy efficiency programs for Co-op members and the State of New Hampshire’s Statewide Electric Assistance program which provides bill relief for residential members who meet income qualifications. NH Consumption & Net Taxes A state of New Hampshire tax charged on all accounts. Regional Access Charge A per kWh charge for the cost of accessing the regional transmission grid and related expenses. Co-op Power A per kWh charge that represents the cost of electric energy the Cooperative purchases for its members on the competitive wholesale market. 3 Statement of Account Area itemizes any other charges not directly related to your electric usage. Optional NHEC Foundation If you are enrolled in the Round Up Program, your monthly electric bill is rounded up to the next dollar with the proceeds benefitting the NHEC Foundation. This line indicates the amount of your monthly contribution. 4 Information Box Reserved for general information of interest to all Co-op members. 5 Comment A field that will contain meter reading information pertaining to your account. The field will note, for instance, if your last meter read was estimated.