Terms & Conditions
New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc.
As Approved By The NHEC Board of Directors
October 29, 2024
1. Terms and Conditions
New Hampshire Electric Cooperative (“the Cooperative”, “we”) is a non-profit electric distribution company that is owned by the members it serves. We deliver electricity to homes and businesses in 115 communities throughout New Hampshire. Our goal is to provide safe, reliable electric service to our members under the “Terms and Conditions” of this document, and in accordance with applicable New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (NHPUC) regulations. These Terms and Conditions are rules and regulations of the Cooperative that may be revised, amended, supplemented or otherwise changed by the Cooperative’s Board of Directors from time to time without prior notice. If you have questions about these Terms and Conditions call us at 1-800-698-2007. The delivery of electricity and its use by you constitutes a contract between us. These Terms and Conditions, the Tariff we file with the NHPUC and the Schedule of Fees, Charges and Rates define the terms of our contract, whether service is based upon a written contract, verbal agreement, accepted signed application, or otherwise. The Tariff includes includes those portions of the Cooperative’s rates and terms that are regulated by the NHPUC.
2. Membership Rights and Responsibilities
The Cooperative is a democratically controlled organization, owned by the members it serves. As a member you have the opportunity to participate in the operation and governance of the Cooperative in a number of ways. You can vote and/or run for the Cooperative’s board of directors; attend the annual meeting, monthly board meetings or public forums; and vote on important issues affecting the Cooperative’s future. No more than one membership may be held by any one person, firm, corporation or body politic, so if you take service from us at multiple locations you do not gain additional voting rights as a result. For complete rights and responsibilities, see the Code of Bylaws, available upon request from us or on our web site at www.nhec.com.
3. Service Interruption
Although our goal is to provide 100% service reliability, there are a number of reasons why the characteristics of your power may vary or be interrupted from time to time. Given the nature of electricity delivery service, the Co-op cannot be held liable for service variations or interruptions that occur such as:
a. When necessary to permit us to make repairs to or changes in our electrical facilities; such action to be taken upon reasonable notice to the members to be affected, if practicable, or without any notice in an emergency when such notification would be impracticable or would prolong a dangerous situation.
b. When conditions on the transmission system with which our facilities are interconnected make it appear necessary for the common good.
c. When an interruption or variance is caused by weather events such as snow, ice, wind, storm, drought, strike, war, malicious acts or acts of vandalism or other cause beyond our control, or by any cause except failure to act or willful neglect on our part.
If you contact us to report a service interruption and the dispatched Co-op crew finds the interruption has been caused by your equipment, you may be charged a fee in accordance with the Schedule of Fees, Charges and Rates.
B. Obtaining Service
1. Application for Service
a. Locations with an Existing Meter
If you’d like to become a Co-op member, you can apply by mail, telephone, or other acceptable electronic means. You must be the person, corporation, or other legal entity that wants to receive electric service from us and agree to be the member of record for the electric service. Prospective members must be 18 years of age or older.
We will need some personal information in order to establish your account and to verify your identity and creditworthiness. Following federal guidelines, we require reasonable verification of your identity, service address, and mailing address. This may include a request for your driver’s license, date of birth, proof of age, and/or social security number. We may make copies of these documents.
We may need to contact you from time to time about your account or your electric service. For that reason, we need you to update us when your contact information changes. This information may include phone numbers, email addresses, or other points of contact. By providing this contact information, you consent to our use of that information, including your mobile phone number, to contact you concerning your account or electric service. We maintain the confidentiality of member contact information.
When we establish or re-establish an electric service account for you at a meter and/or light location, we will charge a fee to cover the cost associated with this service. Please refer to our Schedule of Fees for details.
Once all of the application requirements are completed, we will strive to complete the service connection, where a metered service exists, within three (3) business days.
Whether or not a signed application for service is made by you and accepted by us, the rendering of service by the Cooperative, and its use by you, shall be deemed a contract and is subject to these Terms and Conditions, our Tariff, and our Schedule of Fees and Rates. In accordance with New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission rules, we may discontinue service if service is obtained from us without authority or through false pretense. The use of service, even if without proper notification by you to us, makes you liable for the service and subject to all provisions of the rates and/or other charges that apply in accordance with our Schedule of Fees and Rates; the amount to be determined by us via measurement where possible, otherwise by estimate.
b. New Metered or Light Service (Locations previously not served by us)
Please refer to Terms and Conditions Section M: Characteristics of Service and Terms and Conditions Section P: Construction of Distribution Facilities.
c. Security Deposit
We may require payment of a deposit prior to establishing a new account. Please refer to section Terms and Conditions Section C: Security Deposits for details.
d. Refusal of Service
We may reject a prospective member’s application for service if it is made by, or for the benefit of, a former member who owes us money for service previously furnished if the New Hampshire statute of limitations has not expired. This practice is often referred to as “name swapping” and we may deny service due to an arrearage for prior service furnished in the name of a person other than the prospective member when:
1. They resided together at the address where the arrearage was incurred;
2. They both received, or will receive the benefit of the electric service;
3. The prospective member refuses to enter into a reasonable payment arrangement for the outstanding debt.
e. We may also reject any prospective member’s application for service for:
1. Failure to make a deposit and/or advance payment if required.
2. When the cost to construct and/or maintain the service exceeds the estimated distribution revenue and an economical solution or agreement cannot be reached.
3. When the member or prospective member fails to provide truthful and accurate information as requested or fails to provide any required documentation in a timely fashion, such as an application, load data survey sheet, easement, or permit.
4. When the member or prospective member’s equipment does not meet our construction standards or applicable national, state, or local codes.
5. When the member or prospective member’s service connection or equipment is not located or installed as previously agreed with our representative.
6. When the member or prospective member fails to meet their obligations pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.
2. Term of Service
Unless specifically provided for in writing by us, all members are subject to a minimum term of service at one location of not less than 12 consecutive months. If you disconnect then reconnect after a period of less than 12 months, a fee shall apply.
Members served at our Primary Service classifications are subject to a minimum term of service at one location of not less than five (5) years. Primary Service members that terminate their service in less than the minimum term shall make payment to us in an amount equal to the remaining months in the minimum term of service multiplied by the then-current minimum bill applicable to the rate(s) under which the member is being served in accordance with the these Terms and Conditions and Schedule of Fees and Rates.
We may waive billing of the minimum term charge if the service is transferred to another member within a short period of time, or we determine we have recovered our investment in facilities to serve the member’s location, or for other situations as we deemed reasonable.
C: Security Deposits – Why, When and How We Require Them
We may require that you provide security in the form of a cash deposit or other guarantee as a condition of establishing electric service.
1. Opening a New Residential Account
A security (cash) deposit is necessary when any one of these conditions applies:
a. You are indebted to us for electric service previously furnished to you. Any indebtedness, within the New Hampshire statute of limitations, will be transferred to your new account or must be paid before service is established.
b. You have unsatisfactory credit, which we define as a prior history of delinquency with us, or any adverse credit history within the last 24 consecutive months with a similar type of utility. In our review, we may use information from a recognized credit reporting service.
When the metered service you want to establish is a new installation with us, the initial deposit will be in accordance with the amount stated in our Schedule of Fees. We may, at our discretion, waive and/or adjust the amount of the deposit based on other information provided by you or obtained by us.
2. Opening a New Non-Residential Account
a. As a guarantee of payment for electricity used, we require all new non-residential members to pay an initial cash security deposit or provide an irrevocable letter of credit from an appropriate financial institution acceptable to us to cover an initial two-year period, renewable as needed based on the credit history of the account.
b. When the metered service is a new installation to us, the initial cash security deposit will be the amount stated in our Schedule of Fees.
c. We may, at our discretion, waive and/or adjust the cash security deposit requirement if there is satisfactory evidence that your business entity has had comparable utility bills with us or other electric utilities and has not been delinquent for a period of 24 months.
3. For Existing Accounts (Residential and Non-Residential)
In order to maintain your existing electric service, we may, at our discretion, require a security (cash) deposit when any one of these conditions applies:
a. You have received four (4) disconnect notices for electric service within a 12 month period.
b. Your service has been disconnected for non-payment of a delinquent account a second time in a 12 month period.
c. We have disconnected your service because you interfered with, or diverted electric service, at your premises.
d. You are under a “cash only” requirement due to insufficient funds.
e. You have filed for bankruptcy, and you have a currently pending bankruptcy case which includes the Cooperative as a creditor, in which case the deposit requirement shall be in accordance with 11 U.S.C. 366 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. If the case gets dismissed, we will continue to hold onto the deposit for a period of no less than 24 months.
f. If you qualify for the Electric Assistance Program (EAP), we will follow the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission’s EAP Utility Procedures regarding deposits.
4. Terms of Deposit
Deposits, when necessary, are subject to the following terms and conditions:
a. The amount of deposit is based on an estimate of electric usage at the service location for a period of three (3) months with highest electric usage.
b. Deposits accrue simple annual interest that is credited to your current electric bill quarterly (please refer to our Schedule of Fees for the current rate).
c. The entire deposit plus unpaid accrued interest is credited to your current electric bill when all bills have been paid without arrearage for 24 consecutive months for a residential and non-residential account. If your current electric account has a credit balance due to the deposit and accrued interest being applied, you can choose to leave the credit on the account or have the credit refunded.
d. Upon termination of service, we will refund the deposit plus unpaid accrued interest less any amount due us within 30 days of the date of termination.
5. Deposit Options
We may, at our discretion, determine which deposit option would be most appropriate for you based on your credit and payment history.
a. You may have the opportunity to pay the deposit in up to three (3) equal installments with the first installment due immediately, and subsequent installments due with the monthly bills for electric service.
b. For Existing members, in place of a cash deposit, you may establish a recurring bank draft/credit card payment whereby your electric bill payment shall be automatically debited each month for a period of no less than 24 months. If the bank draft/credit card is rejected or you cancel the bank draft/credit card prior to the 24 months, we will require a cash deposit.
c. For New members, the recurring bank draft/credit card payment option will not be available for the first six (6) months of service. During this period, you will need to pay either the full amount of the deposit to establish service or one-third of the deposit upfront and the other two installments due with the monthly bills for electric service. If you maintain excellent credit during the first six (6) months of service, then you will have the option to enroll in recurring bank draft/credit card payment option and we will credit your deposit to your electric account. Once the recurring payment is established, if the bank draft/credit card is rejected or you cancel the bank draft/credit card prior to 24 months of service, we will require a new cash deposit.
d. In place of a cash deposit, you may sign up for Prepaid Metering. To do so, you will need to sign a Prepaid Metering Agreement. If a deposit is held on an existing electric account, the deposit will be applied to any outstanding balances first with any remaining balance applied to the prepaid account. The amount needed to establish the prepaid account will be based on an estimate of one month’s high electric usage at the service location but not less than $150.00. Should your prepaid account balance reach a point where you have an outstanding balance due to us, we will remove you from this payment option and seek payment of any outstanding balance according to our standard collection procedures and will also require a cash deposit.
e. Non-residential members have the option to pay the deposit by cash, check establish a recurring bank draft for a minimum period of 24 months, or provide us with an irrevocable letter of credit from an appropriate financial institution acceptable to us. If the bank draft/credit card is rejected or you cancel the bank draft/credit card prior to the 24 months, we will require a cash deposit.
6. Transferring accounts with a deposit
When you transfer service from one location to another and have an existing deposit, the existing deposit will first be applied to any outstanding balance on the previous account. Any remaining balance on the previous account will be transferred to the new account. If the original deposit had been held less than 24 consecutive months, a new deposit amount will be established at the new service location based on the anticipated usage at the new location.
7. Transferring accounts with a recurring bank draft/credit card
When you transfer service from one location to another and have an existing recurring bank draft/credit card that was established instead of a cash deposit, you will need to re-establish the recurring bank draft/credit card on the new account if it has been less than 24 consecutive months. If this does not occur, a cash deposit will be required on the new account.
D. Member Initiated Service Termination
If there is going to be a change of occupancy or of legal responsibility for an electric bill payment at a location served by us, we must receive notice from you within a reasonable time period prior to that change. As a member you are responsible for service taken until proper notice is given to us and thereafter until the meter has been read for termination. Ideally, you would give us at least a week’s notice that there will be a change of occupancy or responsibility for an electric bill payment. However, we will make every effort to obtain a meter reading and limit your continuing obligation up to three working days from the time we received the notice. Please note that when we terminate service at your request, we are not responsible for any damage to the property caused by the lack of electric service.
The final bill is due upon presentation. If you are moving to a new location in our service territory and there happens to be an overpayment on the final bill, we will transfer the whole amount of any overpayment to your new account. If you are leaving our territory, any overpayment will be refunded to you within 30 days of the date of termination, provided the amount exceeds $5.00. Any amount not refunded will be donated to NHEC Foundation, a New Hampshire non-profit organization. Exceptions may be made at our sole discretion.
If you have an outstanding balance due when you terminate service with us, we will make every attempt to collect this balance, including transferring it to another active account of yours, within 45 days of issuing the final bill. After that, any outstanding balance due will be sent to an outside collection agency for further collection effort.
Any notice to terminate service prior to the expiration of any contractual commitments does not relieve you from any minimum or guaranteed payment. Refer to Section B.2. Obtaining Service, subsection Term of Service. Other Terms & Conditions related to termination of service include Section G Disconnection by the Cooperative for Non-Payment subsection Leased or Rental Property for special rules for landlords and their tenants and Section F.8 Payment Terms subsection Failure to Pay.
E. Meter Reading
1. Reading Intervals
We calculate bills based upon electric meter readings which are processed approximately every thirty days by automated systems or our personnel on a pre-arranged schedule. The date of the next scheduled billing read date is printed on your bill. There can be occasions when we cannot read your meter depending on the circumstances, including:
a. Electronic communications with the meter are unavailable
b. Road or driveway not passable.
c. Meter is in mountain top or island location.
d. During periods of prolonged power outage.
e. Deep snow preventing access to the meter.
2. Estimated Bills
In the event that a meter reading is not available, we may estimate your electric usage based on the usage history of the account or any other pertinent information provided by you or known by us. The next bill reflecting an actual reading will be based on the difference between total usage between prior and current actual meter readings, less estimates billed. The reading on the meter is conclusive as to the total usage.
3. Access to the Meter
In order to provide service, the Co-op’s employees or agents must be allowed reasonable, unobstructed and safe access to the meter on your premises (Refer to Section I. Access to Member’s Premises).
F. Payment Terms
1. Payment Obligation
Bills for electric service are rendered monthly and are due upon receipt. The due date on your bill reflects the date by which the payment must be posted into our payment processing system. Amounts not posted by the next billing date are considered delinquent and a Late Payment Fee is added as specified in our Schedule of Fees. Failure to receive a bill that was sent to the US Mail or email address on file with us does not negate your responsibility to pay on time. Should you not receive a bill, please contact our Member Solutions Department at 1-800-698-2007.
When you make a payment, we consider the payment date to be the date when payment is credited to your electric account. In order to ensure that your payment is timely received and processed you should mail or deliver check and cash payments several days before the due date on the bill. Payments made electronically (website or Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system), at an authorized Payment Agent Location, or through Lockbox (our bill processing center) are usually credited to your electric account the following business day.
2. Payment Methods
We offer a variety of payment options (all in U.S. dollars) for your convenience including:
a. In Person: Cash, check, or money order at any of the “Payment Agent Locations” of authorized agents (a list is available on our website).
b. By Mail: Check or money order mailed to our Lockbox processing center (PO Box 9612, Manchester, NH 03108-9612).
c. Online or Phone: Electronic check, debit or credit card, initiated by you via SmartHub on our website or Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. You can make monthly one-time payments or set up recurring payments. On SmartHub, you can schedule payments up to 90 days in advance. If you schedule a payment beyond the due date of a bill, you may be subject to late fees or disconnection of service. Credit cards cannot be used by Industrial and Primary accounts.
d. Direct Payment: A debit bill payment in which the total electric account balance due is automatically deducted from your checking account approximately 20 days after the bill is issued. Enroll in Direct Payment on our website, or call our Member Solutions Department at 1-800-698-2007.
3. Checks Returned from Banks
Checks (paper and electronic) credited to your electric account and returned to us unpaid by your bank will result in an additional Returned Check Fee per check per occurrence as specified in our Schedule of Fees.
If you have two or more returned checks in a rolling 12 month period, we will no longer accept payment by personal check and will only accept payments made in cash, by bank check, by money order, or by credit card. This requirement will continue until you have no more than one returned check in a rolling 12 month period, or at our discretion.
4. Budget Billing Plan Option
If you’re an eligible residential member, you can take advantage of our budget billing payment plan so your payments will be level throughout the year. Your budget billing payment is the average of your bills over 12 months. Your participation in this program requires full payment of the budget bill amount posted to your account by the due date shown on the monthly bill. If you fail to pay by the payment due date shown on the bill twice in any rolling 12 month period, we may remove you from the plan with a written notification. If this happens, you will also be required to pay any outstanding account balance you have at that time by the regular due date on your bill.
Requirements for reinstatement in budget billing are: payment of any outstanding account balance and enrollment in Direct Payment (see 2.d. above) or recurring payments (see 2.c. above).
5. Prepaid Metering Option
Prepaid Metering allows you to pre-pay for electric service and be notified when your credit balance hits a pre-set limit. This option is available to eligible (see below) residential members. You will have access to prior day usage information and account balance information that will allow you to monitor your electric use and help you determine when to make a payment toward your electric bill. Notifications are provided to you when your credit balance or remaining usage balance falls below a preset limit. Notifications are also provided to confirm that your payment has been accepted. This option is appropriate only if you have regular access to internet or text communications.
To enroll in prepaid metering, you will need to sign a Prepaid Metering Agreement (available by contacting Member Solutions). Any outstanding balances must be paid in full before enrolling in Prepaid Metering. If we are holding a deposit on an existing electric account, we will apply it to any outstanding balances first, then apply any remaining balance to your prepaid account. The amount needed to establish your prepaid account will be based on an estimate of one month’s high electric usage at the service location, but not less than $150.00.
Once enrolled, you can select the type of notification method you’d like to receive by selecting a preference through your online account management resource on our website.
Should your prepaid account balance reach a point where you have an outstanding balance due, we may remove you from this payment option upon written notification. We will seek payment of any outstanding balance and may also require a deposit.
6. Payment Arrangements
We will work with you if you are unable to pay your bill due to unusual or severe circumstances. Payment arrangements are agreements between us that specify when and in what amounts you will make payments on an arrearage. Payment arrangements are made in accordance with New Hampshire Puc 1200 Rules Section 1203.07. Any delinquent balance subject to a payment arrangement may also be subject to a Late Payment Fee in accordance with our Schedule of Fees.
7. Collection Fee
In accordance with our Schedule of Fees and Rates, a Collection Fee will be charged when a Cooperative employee makes a trip to your premises on a disconnection service order and you make a payment or payment arrangement in order to prevent disconnection.
8. NHEC Website
Our website provides secure access to your account, including monthly bills, payment options and monthly/daily/hourly electric usage. To access your online account, you must register by clicking the Login link on our home page at www.nhec.com.
9. Failure to Pay
If efforts in providing you payment assistance fail, we may initiate disconnection proceedings in order to limit the potential negative effect on the membership. The disconnection of your residential service for failure to pay, and provisions for restoration of service, are governed by a portion of New Hampshire Puc 1200 Rules and are outlined in Section G: Disconnection by the Cooperative for Non-payment.
If you have an outstanding balance due when you terminate service with us, or we terminate your service, we will attempt to collect this balance, including by transferring it to another active account of yours, within 45 days of issuing the Final Bill. After that, any outstanding balance due will be sent to an outside collection agency for further collection effort.
If you obtain service with us at some future date and are indebted to us for electric service previously furnished, you are responsible for any indebtedness within the prescribed statute of limitations. If this indebtedness had been sent to an outside collection agency, we will charge a Collection Recovery Fee in accordance with our Schedule of Fees and Rates. The indebtedness plus the fee, if applicable, shall be paid before we transfer service or establish your new account.
G. Disconnection by the Cooperative for Non-payment
1. Authority
We recognize that our members sometimes experience financial difficulties. When this happens, we do our best to help you find payment solutions, including developing budget plans, payment arrangements, and identifying assistance from other organizations. If our assistance efforts fail, we will need to initiate disconnection proceedings in order to limit the potential effect on our other members. The disconnection of a member for failure to pay is governed by the New Hampshire PUC 1203 Rules. Consistent with those rules, we may issue a notice of intent to disconnect electric service for non-payment when:
a. You fail to pay or establish a Payment Arrangement for a delinquent balance for utility service: or,
b. You fail to pay a deposit or to provide an acceptable guarantee of the deposit.
The issuance of notices for disconnection of primary residences for delinquent balances are subject to the following conditions:
i. For non-winter bills (April 1 – November 14) – delinquent balances must exceed $100 and must be at least 60 days past due;
ii. For winter bills (November 15 – March 31) – delinquent balances must exceed $225 for non-electric heat accounts, and must exceed $450 for electric heat accounts.
2. Disconnect Notice
We will mail a notice of intent to disconnect service at least 14 days prior to the effective date of disconnection and include the following information:
a. The amount of the delinquent balance causing the disconnect notice.
b. The date service will be disconnected.
c. How you may question or contest the disconnect notice.
3. Payment Arrangements
If you are unable to pay the total delinquent balance that led to the disconnect notice, we will continue to provide service if you agree to a payment arrangement where you:
a. Pay a reasonable portion of the delinquent balance as agreed.
b. Pay the balance of the delinquency in reasonable installments as agreed; plus pay the current bill and all future current bills by the due date on the bill during the term of the agreement.
We will confirm all payment arrangements in writing and mail it to you within three business days of the date the arrangement is made.
At your request we may provide referrals to organizations known to provide financial assistance with electric bills. If we are contacted by such organizations on your behalf to stop a pending disconnection of service or reinstate service after disconnection has occurred, we will make arrangements with that organization on your behalf and will, upon notification of its agreement to pay, treat the organization as the party responsible for payment of the bills they have committed to pay.
4. Discontinuance of Service
Should you fail to either pay the delinquent balance or enter into an acceptable payment arrangement, we will disconnect the electric service on or after the proposed disconnection date which is stated in the notice of intent to disconnect for non-payment.
Disconnection for non-payment can occur during the following times:
a. Residential members – Between 8 AM and 3:30 PM, Monday – Thursday except on the day before and day of a federal or state holiday.
b. Non-residential services – 8 AM – 3:30 PM Monday – Friday except on the day of a federal or state holiday.
Disconnection with no further notice may take place under the following conditions:
a. If a payment arrangement made to postpone a pending disconnect for non-payment is not kept and the disconnect date has passed.
b. When a payment is made to stop a pending disconnection or to reconnect service after a disconnection if the payment is returned for “Insufficient Funds” or “Stop Payment Ordered” or for similar reasons within your control.
If you are available when a Cooperative employee visits the property to disconnect service for failure to pay, you will be given the opportunity to make payment in the amount required rather than be disconnected. You may be charged a Collection Fee in accordance with the Schedule of Fees. Our employee is not authorized or required to negotiate a payment arrangement or make change. If service is disconnected, you will be provided a written notice as to the reason for the disconnection and instructions for obtaining reconnection of electric service. If you are not available, our employee will hang a notice on the main door of the property.
5. Medical Emergency
Should you or a member of your household have a medical condition that requires you to have electric service, we will work with you to continue service as soon as we are notified of the condition. Once notified, we will continue to provide service if you agree to a payment arrangement which will include additional flexibility to reflect the situation.
If we are notified that a service disconnection will result in a medical emergency, the disconnection will be temporarily postponed to allow you time to provide written verification from a registered physician of the medical emergency. The medical emergency notice allows for continuance of electric service only if you obtain a supporting physician’s verification and also negotiate a payment arrangement. The medical notification to us may be written or made by telephone with written confirmation received by us within 15 days of the telephoned notification. The medical notification must be renewed annually at a minimum, or more frequently as determined by a treating physician. In the event that you do not negotiate a payment arrangement or comply with an existing arrangement, we may discontinue service after making personal contact with you and providing notice when the disconnection will occur, allowing time for you or the person with the medical emergency at your location to be moved to a safe location. We will obtain permission from the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission prior to disconnecting anyone with a medical emergency according to New Hampshire Puc 1200 Rules Section 1205.
6. Winter Period
We will attempt to provide you with a minimum of 48 hours’ notice in person at the property or by telephone to an adult who occupies the residence prior to disconnection during the winter termination period as defined by the New Hampshire PUC, in addition to the notice of intent to disconnect service for non-payment.
7. Reconnection of Service After a Disconnection for Non-payment
We shall reconnect service upon your request when:
a. The delinquent balance is paid, or you provide evidence of an agreement with a municipal official or another agency to pay the current bill and you enter into a payment arrangement for the unpaid delinquent balance.
b. Payment is received for a deposit, if required. Please see Terms and Conditions Section C: Security Deposits.
c. Payment is received for the reconnection including a Reconnection After Disconnection for Non-payment Fee. Please see Schedule of Fees.
When you request reconnection on the same day that disconnection occurred, we will try to reconnect between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM on the day of the request. When the request for reconnection is made after 4:00 PM or on a weekend or holiday or if the service has been disconnected for more than two days, we will attempt to make the reconnection the same day, but are not required to do so unless a medical emergency exists in the household.
8. Leased or Rental Property
We will not disconnect electric service to a landlord as member of record if any part of that service is known by us to provide electric service to a residential tenant(s) unless we give written notice to the tenant(s). When we are aware that a residential tenant is receiving electric service from a landlord whose service we intend to disconnect, we will deliver written notice to the tenant(s) at least 10 days in advance of the proposed disconnection in one of the following manners:
a. By posting a notice in a common area or other such place within the building or mobile home park where it is likely to be seen by the tenant(s).
b. Posting the notice on the front or back door of each tenant(s) dwelling unit if accessible.
We shall provide service to a tenant(s) in the tenant(s) own name as the member of record, if so requested by the tenant(s), subject to these Terms and Conditions and the Schedule of Fees for initiating service. The tenant(s) will not be required to pay any part of the landlord’s past due balance as a condition of receiving service.
Upon learning that a tenant(s) has been erroneously disconnected without notice, we will promptly reconnect service at no cost to the tenant(s) and shall proceed with proper notice pursuant to this section.
H. Disconnection by the Cooperative for Other Reasons
There are a variety of reasons for disconnecting service including failure to meet payment obligations (as discussed in Section G Disconnection by the Cooperative for Non-Payment). Should you fail to meet your obligations, service may be disconnected, subject to the limitations established by regulation of the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, or not less than 14 days of written notice to you stating the reasons. We may remove our service/equipment from your premises whenever you:
1. Fail to comply with the provisions of any contract with us, (e.g., new construction agreement, or maintenance agreement), or fail to comply with the terms and conditions of service.
2. Fail to pay any bill for equipment rental, construction charges or other agreed upon charges (refer to Section G. . Disconnection by the Cooperative for Non-payment, regarding discontinuance of service for non-payment for energy usage).
3. Fail to allow us to maintain our equipment serving your facility/home to the extent that it impacts public safety or the reliability of service to you and/or other members.
4. Refuse our access to the premises for necessary inspection(s) of our property, including but not limited to reading of meters, testing or exchanging meters.
5. Fail to complete construction at your premises or make modifications to your premises such that there is an adverse impact on safe and reliable service.
6. Fail to perform any other obligation to us not covered above.
We are not required to provide prior notice of our intent to disconnect service if one of the following conditions exists:
1. You have obtained electric service in an unauthorized manner or used electric service fraudulently (e.g., altered our meter’s functioning).
2. You have clearly abandoned the property as demonstrated by the fact that the service address premises have zero usage for a period of at least 60 days.
3. We determine that clear and present danger to life, health or physical property exists.
We may at any time refuse to furnish service to you, when the operation of your equipment and apparatus interferes with the service to another member.
For special rules for landlords and tenants, see Section G. of our Terms & Conditions.
Meter Tampering, Current Diversion or Unauthorized Reconnection.
We may pursue a criminal complaint under New Hampshire law for, among other things, the theft of services. Before reconnection of any service disconnected for meter tampering, current diversion, or unauthorized reconnection of service, you must comply with the following conditions:
i) Pay for all damages to our equipment and associated expenses.
ii) Pay for all costs associated with the investigation including but not limited to meter department staff, line crew, or any other employee involved with, and resolution of, the investigation.
iii) Pay an amount sufficient to cover estimated unauthorized electric service provided.
iv) Pay the Reconnection Fee, if applicable, in accordance with the Schedule of Fees, Charges and Rates.
v) Pay any required deposit as described in Section C – Security Deposits.
vi) Pay a fee to cover the cost of testing the meter in accordance with the Schedule of Fees, Charges and Rates.
vii) Make required changes in wiring or equipment which, in our opinion, may be necessary for our protection.
I. Access to Member’s Premises
In order to provide you with our services, we must be allowed reasonable and safe access to our equipment located on your property. Only properly identified Cooperative employees (NHEC identification badge including photograph) and/or our agents (who will have similar identification) should be allowed access. Should there be obstacles to our ability to perform our duties, we may notify you in writing about the obstacle. Upon notice from us, you should have any obstacle removed. If the obstacle(s) is not removed, we may discontinue service to your location (See Section H: Disconnection for Other Reasons) . Under normal conditions, we will access your property only during business hours, but access during emergency conditions could occur at any time.
We strive at all times to use good judgment in protecting your interests and that of the Cooperative, while performing assigned duties in a responsible, safe and efficient manner. All equipment furnished by us shall be, and remain, the property of the Cooperative. Members, prospective members, and their agents shall protect the property of the Cooperative. In the event of loss or damage to our equipment arising from neglect or overt acts of the member, prospective member, or their agent, we may require that the cost of necessary repairs or replacement be paid by the responsible party.
J. Classification of Service
We offer a variety of rate classes to our members based upon the characteristics of the installed service. Please refer to our Schedule of Fees and Rates for the specific rates that apply to each classification of service.
The suffix “X” is attached to rate codes when members purchase from a competitive energy supplier (e.g. BX, B3X, LT15X).
Some of the rates described below include a reference to On-Peak and Off-Peak hours. We designate North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) identified holidays (currently New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day) as Off-Peak hours.
This classification of service is available for single-phase service at secondary voltage. The use of single-phase motors rated 5 HP or less (such as small pumps or garage door openers) is permitted provided it doesn’t interfere with the quality of service of other members. The use of larger motors may be authorized if existing distribution facilities permit. Please make a written application to us or contact Member Solutions.
• Basic Residential (Rate Code B) is available for service up to 400 amps for individual residential use. This service is available for residences, apartments, and adjacent buildings for individual residential use. This service is not available if the predominant use of the demand is non-residential.
• Optional Electric Vehicle Time of Day (Rate Codes EVN, EVF) uses a secondary meter dedicated to the EV charger which records On-Peak (EVN; Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 9 PM) and Off-Peak (EVF; Monday through Friday, 9 PM to 7 AM, weekends, and NERC designated holidays) consumption. Though you may potentially save money by taking service under this rate, we do not warrant what the savings will be, if any.
• Optional Net Metering (Rate Codes N01A, N02A) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Optional Time of Day (Rate Codes TDN, TDF) applies to all of your electric delivery service. TDN applies to On-Peak (Monday through Friday 7 AM to 11 PM) and TDF applies to Off-Peak (Monday through Friday 11 PM to 7 AM, weekends, and NERC designated holidays). Opt-in or opt-out notice must be provided at least five (5) business days before your next scheduled meter read date and is contingent upon the availability of meters and personnel. If you opt-out of this rate, you cannot opt-in again for a period of twelve (12) months.
• Optional Net Metering Time of Day (Rate Codes N01N, N01N, N02N, N02F) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering and applies to all of your electric delivery service. N01N and N02N apply to On-Peak (Monday through Friday 4 PM to 8 PM) and N01F and N02F apply to Off-Peak (Monday through Friday 8 PM to 4 PM, weekends, and NERC designated holidays). Opt-in or opt-out notice must be provided at least five (5) business days before your next scheduled meter read date and is contingent upon the availability of meters and personnel. If you opt-out of this rate, you cannot opt-in again for a period of twelve (12) months.
• Optional Renewable Energy (Rate Codes BR1, BR2) is available for members who wish to purchase additional renewable attributes for their energy supply. This service is only available to those who purchase Co-op Power and do not participate in the Electric Assistance Program or receive Fuel Assistance through Community Action Programs. Opt-in or opt-out notice must be provided at least two (2) business days before your next scheduled meter read date.
• Optional Renewable Energy (Rate Codes N01R1, N01R2) is available for members who wish to purchase additional renewable attributes for their energy supply. This service is only available to those who purchase Co-op Power and do not participate in the Electric Assistance Program or receive Fuel Assistance through Community Action Programs. Opt-in or opt-out notice must be provided at least two (2) business days before your next scheduled meter read date.
• Legacy Second Meter (Rate Code BL) is provided only at locations where a second meter was in place prior to May 1, 2016, formerly classified as Optional Controlled Space and Water Heating.
• Large Basic Residential (LB): This service is available for any service greater than 400 amps for individual residential use. This service is available for residences, apartments, and adjacent buildings for individual residential use. This service is not available if the predominant use of the demand is non-residential.
• Optional Net Metering (Rate Codes N13, N14) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Basic General (Rate Code B2) is available for any service up to 400 amps not for individual residential use.
• Optional Group Net Metering Host (Rate Codes G03A, G04A) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Optional Net Metering (Rate Codes N03A, N04A) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Optional Time of Day (Rate Codes TDN2, TDF2) applies to all of your electric delivery service. TDN2 applies to On-Peak (Monday through Friday 7 AM to 11 PM) and TDF2 applies to Off-Peak (Monday through Friday 11 PM to 7 AM, weekends, and NERC designated holidays). Opt-in or opt-out notice must be provided at least five (5) business days before your next scheduled meter read date and is contingent upon the availability of meters and personnel. If you opt-out of this rate, you cannot opt-in again for a period of twelve (12) months.
• Legacy Below the Cap Group Net Metering Host (Rate Code GN2) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Legacy Second Meter (Rate Code BL2) is provided only at locations where a second meter was in place prior to May 1, 2016, formerly classified as Optional Controlled Space and Water Heating.
• Large Basic General (LB2): This service is available for any service greater than 400 amps not for individual residential use.
• Optional Group Net Metering (Rate Codes G15, G16) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Optional Net Metering (Rate Codes N15, N16) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
This classification of service is available for three-phase service at secondary voltage at locations where we have available three-phase lines and your load warrants its application.
This classification is not available for standby service, or for use in conjunction with member-owned generating facilities, unless such facilities are those of a Small Power Producer covered by Public Utilities Commission Order No. 14,797 of DE 80-246, or subsequent modifying order.
It is your responsibility to furnish any necessary power transforming and regulating devices on your side of the meter.
At our discretion, we may meter for this service at the primary voltage. In such cases, a discount of 2% of energy and demand on all bills rendered will be allowed to compensate for transformer losses.
The metered demand value is rounded to the third digit to the right of the decimal point (0.001) for billing purposes.
With any multi-phase service, you are required to advise us in advance if your existing business model changes significantly. Examples of this type of change include but are not limited to shutdown of existing facilities, moderate to large increases or decreases in production level, or if existing facilities will be utilized for a different purpose.
The load of each member receiving multi-phase service will be reviewed periodically by us to determine whether you meet the criteria of the assigned rate. If it is determined you do not meet the criteria, we may reassign you to the appropriate rate for the current level of service.
• Basic Multi-Phase Residential (Rate Code B3) is available for individual residential use with registered demand less than 50 kW. This service is available for residences, apartments, and adjacent buildings for individual residential use. This service is not available if the predominant use of the demand is non-residential.
• Optional Net Metering (Rate Codes N19, N20) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Basic Multi-Phase General (Rate Code B32) is available with registered demand less than 50 kW not for individual residential use.
• Optional Group Net Metering Host (Rate Codes G21, G22) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Optional Net Metering (Rate Codes N21, N22) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Legacy Optional Time of Day (Rate Codes TDN3, TDF3) applies to all of your electric delivery service and is only provided at locations currently enrolled in this rate schedule. TDN3 applies to On-Peak (Monday through Friday 7 AM to 11 PM) and TDF3 applies to Off-Peak (Monday through Friday 11 PM to 7 AM, weekends, and NERC designated holidays).
• Large Basic Multi-Phase General (Rate Code LB32) is available with registered demand greater than or equal to 50 kilowatts, but less than 150 kilowatts, not for individual residential use.
• Optional Group Net Metering Host (Rate Codes G27, G28) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Optional Net Metering (Rate Codes N27, N28) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Industrial (Rate Code IND) is available with registered demand greater than or equal to 150 kilowatts. This rate is available for only a single structure.
• Optional Group Net Metering Host (Rate Codes G29, G30) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Optional Net Metering (Rate Codes N29, N30) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Legacy Below the Cap Group Net Metering Host (Rate Code GIND) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Legacy Below the Cap Net Metering (Rate Codes I9D, I9R) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
This classification is available for primary voltage electricity delivered to specified locations at the load side of the metering equipment. This means your meter is on our side of the transformer.
It is your responsibility to maintain a reasonably balanced load between phases.
We may install one or more meters at our discretion. If multiple meters are installed, all meter reads will be aggregated for billing purposes. It is your responsibility to pay all costs of installing such equipment. Metering shall be located on the high voltage side of your transforming apparatus. At our discretion, metering may be located on the low voltage side, in which case an additional 2% for transforming losses will be added to the kilovolt-ampere demand and kilowatt-hours metered for billing purposes.
The metered demand value is rounded to the third digit to the right of the decimal point (0.001) for billing purposes.
With primary service, you are required to advise us in advance if your existing business model changes significantly. Examples of this type of change include but are not limited to shutdown of existing facilities, moderate to large increases or decreases in production level, or if existing facilities will be utilized for a different purpose.
The load of each member receiving primary service will be reviewed periodically by us to determine whether you meet the criteria of the assigned rate. If it is determined that you do not meet the criteria, we may reassign you to the appropriate rate for the current level of service.
To satisfy transformation requirements for Primary Service, a member has three options:
a. Member Owned Transformation Equipment
Under this option, you agree to own, furnish, maintain, and be solely responsible for all wiring, structures, power transforming and regulating devices, and all equipment used in conducting the flow of electric energy delivered to you and located on your property. All substation foundations, structures, and all necessary controlling, regulating, and power transforming apparatus located on your property will be furnished, owned, and maintained by you at your expense.
b. Transformation Equipment Provided by the Cooperative
As a separate option, at our sole discretion, we may rent the transforming and regulating devices used in conducting the flow of electric energy to you. All transformation related equipment will be installed at your location. You are required to pay the full cost of transformer installation prior to the date service is energized. All substation foundations and structures are furnished, owned, and maintained by you at your expense.
You will pay a Transformer Equipment Rental Fee, in accordance with our Schedule of Fees. You shall provide a guarantee, acceptable to us, and continue to pay this fee for a minimum period of 60 months. Should you discontinue service before 60 months has elapsed, the guaranteed rental amount remaining unpaid shall immediately become due and payable.
c. Transformation Provided from the Cooperative’s Distribution System
If we determine in our sole discretion that space limitations or other factors make it inadvisable for you to have transforming apparatus devoted to your exclusive use, or in areas where primary service is not made available by us, service shall be supplied from Cooperative-owned transforming apparatus which also supplies other members in the general area. In such cases, you will be subject to a Transformation Fee in accordance with our Schedule of Fees.
We will charge an annual Transformation Fee equal to 15% of the cost of the equivalent transformer capacity you would furnish or rent to serve your load if exclusive use of a transformer bank were available to you on your site. The annual sum will be billed in monthly installments on your electric bill. This annual amount will be reviewed every 12 months and adjustments will be made as required to ensure full cost recovery.
You must also pay the full estimated cost of installing such equivalent transformer capacity prior to the date service is energized.
In this configuration it is impossible to have your metering equipment located on the high voltage side of your transforming apparatus. To compensate, an additional 2% for transforming losses added to the kilovolt-ampere demand and kilowatt-hours metered for billing purposes.
• Primary (Rate Code P) is available for services with registered demand less than or equal to 1,000 kilovolt-amperes.
• Optional Group Net Metering (Rate Codes G33, G34) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Optional Net Metering (Rate Codes N33, N34) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Large Primary (Rate Code P5) is available for services with registered demand greater than 1,000 kilovolt-amperes.
• Optional Group Net Metering (Rate Codes G35, G36) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Optional Net Metering (Rate Codes N35, N36) is available pursuant to Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering.
• Primary Ski (Rate Code PSKI) is available to members primarily engaged in a recreational business which requires the production of snow, the operation of ski lifts, and the maintenance of downhill or cross-country ski trails.
Lighting service rate codes are determined by fixture size. Only all-night outdoor lighting service on an annual basis shall be provided under this classification, totaling approximately 4,000 hours of operation per year. Fixtures and poles installed by the Cooperative for lighting service will be owned and maintained by us.
This classification is available for:
a. Street and highway lighting provided to municipalities, state highway departments, and other governmental bodies.
b. Outdoor area lighting installed by us for private yards, parking lots, private roads, and other off-street applications.
Please see Terms and Conditions Section B: Obtaining Service for term of service. After the initial one-year service period, the service will be automatically extended, unless cancelled by either us or you with at least 30 days advance notice.
Please see Terms and Conditions Section O: Lighting for more information.
Rate Codes MLM (main), MLS (secondary)
This rate classification is available for decorative lighting used in parking lots, walkways, and for security lighting to all commercial classes of electric service. Fixtures and poles for lighting service under this rate classification, whether installed by us or you, will be provided by you at the member’s sole expense.
a. Usage under this classification will be separately metered.
b. A monthly Member Service Charge will apply to this classification.
c. Any number of secondary meters may be utilized in a lighting installation requiring multiple service points. For each secondary meter, a monthly meter charge will apply.
Please see Terms and Conditions Section O: Lighting for more information.
K. Your Use of Service and Service Limitations
1. Your Use of Service
You may use the electricity supplied by us to meet your electrical needs at the location on record with us as long as that use follows national, state and local codes, and conforms to our requirements.
2. Can I Resell My Electricity?
Our power or delivery services or any part of the electricity or delivery services cannot be sold, resold, assigned or otherwise disposed of except for use at the premises on record with us for your account.
3. What If My Electricity Use Impacts Others?
If your use of electricity causes unusual fluctuations or disturbances in our delivery system, we may ask you to modify your equipment with approved controlling devices. Should your modification efforts fail or you refuse to make such modifications, we may discontinue service.
4. What If My Electric Load Becomes Unbalanced?
On a three phase supply system, a balanced load draws equal current from each phase. Unbalanced load occurs when load supplied to a three phase supply is not equal. You must take and use electricity in such a manner that the load will be balanced at all times between legs on single phase and between phases on three phase to within 10%, nominally. In the event of unbalanced loads, we may require you to pay for any damages to our equipment and/or make necessary changes at your expense to correct the situation. We may also compute the billing demand on the assumption that the load on each phase is equal to that on the greatest phase.
5. What If I Need to Add Equipment/Load?
If you add significant equipment or load you must notify us to ensure this additional load will not adversely affect our system or other members. Significant equipment on a small single-phase service would include but is not limited to such equipment as a welder or five horsepower motor (or greater). Significant equipment would be anything that increases load by 10% or more on an aggregate basis from the load when service was first installed.
6. What Is My Liability in the Event of Damages?
You are liable for all damages if you fail to make responsible use of the electric service and cause damage to our or other members’ equipment. Examples would include significant load imbalance causing transformer damage and fluctuating load causing voltage variations that damage neighbor’s equipment.
7. Harmonics
Electronic equipment and electronically controlled equipment can cause repetitive fluctuation reflected as harmonics. Harmonics can travel through our distribution system and cause damage. our interconnection point. If this is exceeded, you shall provide and install suitable corrective wiring or equipment on your premises at your expense.
8. Conjunctional Service
Conjunctional service is the use of electricity delivery service that operates in parallel with any other source of electric service, such as a generator used at the same time as electricity supplied by us. You may take conjunctional service subject to the signing of a Conjunctional Service Agreement specifying such terms and conditions of interconnection and operation as we deem necessary to provide for proper metering and billing and to prevent personal injury, property damage, or interference with the electricity delivery service to other members.
L. Meters and Billing Adjustments
1. About Your Meter
We measure electric usage by meters we install, own, and maintain. We select the type and make of the metering equipment, and may change or alter the equipment as necessary.
2. Specialty Meters
Some members, by nature of their service needs, may require specialty meters that measure such things as electric demand and consumption over various time intervals. We may, at our discretion and expense, place specialty meters or other instruments and equipment on your premises.
3. How Do I Know My Meter Is Working Properly?
In order to ensure a high standard of accuracy, we will, at our expense, conduct periodic or sample tests and inspections of meters we’ve installed at members’ locations. We will also perform other tests as necessary to ensure accuracy in the administration of our rates or as required by law.
We test our meters in accordance with our policies and procedures. At your request, we will perform additional tests or inspections of our meters. A Meter Test Fee will be charged in accordance with our Schedule of Fees and we will test the accuracy of the meter within 15 calendar days of your request. You may be present or represented by an agent when we conduct the test. If the test shows the meter error to be more than 2%, your Meter Test Fee will be refunded. If the meter is not found to be in error by more than 2%, we will retain the fee to offset our costs. A report with your name, the date of the request, the location, the type, make, size, the serial number of the meter, the date tested, and the result of the test shall be supplied to you within 15 calendar days after the completion of the test.
4. How Do We Handle Refunds or Adjustments?
a. On occasion we may need to make refunds or adjustments on electric usage.
When we determine that we have over-billed a member because:
• The test of the meter revealed the average in accuracy to be more than 2% high.
• Or we discovered an error in our meter records.
• Or for other reasons.
We will refund any excess charges billed for:
• The previous six (6) months.
• Or the actual period of the error, not to exceed three (3) years, if the actual period can be determined.
• Or a different period at our discretion.
b. When we determine that you have been under-billed because:
• The test reveals the meter’s average accuracy to be more than 2% low, or
• We discover that the meter records have been switched, or
• For other reasons except for unauthorized use or fraud.
We may issue a bill for the unbilled charges for:
• The previous six (6) months, or
• The actual period of error, not to exceed 12 months, if the actual period can be determined.
c. In the event of unauthorized use or fraud:
We will issue a bill for reconnect fees as listed in our Schedule of Fees, actual hourly labor and vehicle fees related to the investigation of the unauthorized use or fraud, additional fees when applicable, and the unbilled energy-related charges as calculated by:
1. The previous six months, or
2. The actual period of unauthorized use or fraud, not to exceed six (6) years, if the actual period can be determined, or
3. Estimating energy use based on current and historical information.
5. What Adjustments Are Made When My Voltage Varies?
Our electric distribution system is designed so that the electricity you receive is delivered at a certain voltage. Voltage is the pressure at which electrons are pushed to your meter. When the electricity you receive is metered at a lower or higher voltage than the normal voltage range, the kilowatt-hours measured by your meter will be increased or decreased respectively by 2% for billing purposes. Or, at our option, a continuous on-site adjustment will be made through compensating meter equipment or an applied factor based on the transformer’s specifications.
6. Where Will My Meter Be Installed?
In order to receive service, you must allow us to designate the location of the meter.
Meters and metering equipment will normally be installed by us on the exterior of your home or other building so it is accessible to our employees and agents in accordance with the rules and regulations mandated by National Electrical Code, National Electrical Safety Code, Cooperative Construction Standards, and Cooperative Handbook for Electric Service.
7. Cases of Dispute
Readings on our meters shall be used as the final determinant in measuring consumption and in all cases shall take precedence over any readings on other remote reading devices installed on your side of the meter.
M. Characteristics of Service
1. What Is an Active Service?
We define an “Active Service” as a location with a meter installed that is capable of recording kWh consumption and is billed monthly. An “Active Service” also includes an installed area light for an individual or a municipality that is billed monthly.
2. What Are My Voltage Options?
We will make the following voltages available as applicable and will inform you accordingly:
a. Single-phase 120/240 volts or, in special situations, 120/208 volts where three-phase transformers are installed. We will provide information on the available voltage delivery when the application for service is completed.
b. Three-phase service, where available, will be provided at normal voltages of 120/208 volts or 277/480 volts four wire. The voltage supplied will depend on your requirements and the characteristics of the applicable load.
c. For large industrial applicants served at primary, 2400/4160 volts, 7200/12,470 volts, 14,400/24,940 volts or 19,900/34,500 volts, single-phase or three-phase service may be supplied at our discretion dependent on the load, character of service and the electrical facilities/equipment available at or near the service location to meet your needs.
Our standard is to maintain the voltage within plus or minus five-percent (5%) of the stated voltage at 60 Hz (cycles per second). We may, in unusual circumstances, maintain the voltage within plus or minus seven and one-half percent (7.5%) of the standard voltage at 60 Hz (cycles per second) for limited time periods. All requests for single-phase or three-phase service at specific voltage levels will be satisfied at our discretion.
3. What Are the Different Types of Permanent Service?
We offer three types of permanent service:
This type of service is available if the existing electrical lines in the area are overhead and local ordinances allow it. The overhead point of delivery shall be at the weather head (point of attachment to the structure), except for primary services which shall be at the primary disconnect switch(es). You are responsible for installation and maintenance of all equipment (including the meter socket) beyond the point of delivery.
At our discretion and upon request by you, we will install, own and maintain underground distribution facilities on your premises from overhead lines. You shall provide all site preparation work in accordance with our specifications. It is your responsibility to notify Dig Safe (call 8-1-1) prior to trenching in accordance with New Hampshire Statute.
01. For individual services, the underground point of delivery for single-phase, self-contained, less than or equal to 400 amp metered services shall be at the meter base. You are responsible for installation and maintenance of all equipment (including the meter socket) beyond the point of delivery.
02. For large and/or three-phase services, the point of delivery shall be at the secondary side of the transformer, and for primary services, the point of delivery shall be at the primary disconnect switch (es). For multiple services where at least one service is larger than 400 amps or three-phase, that are served by the same service drop, the point of delivery shall be at the secondary side of the transformer. You are responsible for installation and maintenance of all equipment (including the meter socket) beyond the point of delivery.
For existing underground services, we will own and maintain only those services that meet our standards. For our standards, please see our Handbook for Electric Service. Any service that does not meet our standards will need to be reconstructed to meet our standards before we will take ownership and responsibility for those services.
01. We may refuse a request for underground service where such an installation would interfere with our ability to extend service to additional future prospective members or for other reasonable reasons.
02. We may provide underground service to:
I. Individuals for single-family residences.
II. Two or more individuals at a multi-service extension provided that an agreement for sharing the cost is reached between us and the affected parties.
III. Developers that contract with us to establish an underground electrical distribution system in a designated area.
03. In an area when underground distribution facilities are to be established, all extensions of our existing distribution facilities shall be made underground. No overhead extensions from the underground system will be made unless specifically agreed to by us prior to initial construction.
In cases where a fresh water submarine cable crossing will be required to serve you, the following will apply:
01. All cable crossings will be installed, owned and maintained by us.
02. Minimum type cable installed by us shall be 15 KV, single conductor; 1/0 aluminum and shall conform to industry standards for underwater cables.
03. You will pay all costs of construction of the submarine cable and related equipment.
04. The standard contained in Terms & Conditions Section P: Construction of Distribution Facilities shall apply to all overhead or underground lines constructed to serve you through a submarine cable.
05. We will not install cable for any submarine service, unless you provide the necessary permits or consents at your expense. (See Terms & Conditions Section Q. Rights, Permits and Approvals).
4. What Types of Temporary Service Are Available?
All temporary service equipment and structures must conform to our specifications to ensure the integrity of our system. Before we extend service drop conductors to the temporary service site, all service wiring must be completed and all wiring and materials conform to the requirements of the National Electrical Code and to all other applicable codes. Also, all easements, permits or authorizations required to construct and maintain our facilities must be obtained. (See Terms & Conditions Section Q Rights, Permits and Approvals). If you do not obtain the necessary easements, approvals and authorizations in a period of twelve (12) months, the project will be closed and be subject to a Site Visit Fee in accordance with the Schedule of Fees to have the project redesigned.
We provide three types of temporary services:
a. Standard Temporary Service – A Non-Permanent Service (TS100):
We define a standard temporary service as a means of supplying electricity at a voltage of 120/240, and built from an existing pole with a transformer including a maximum of 150 feet of service wire. If 120/240 volts is not available, then 120/208 volts service will be supplied. This service is provided to one site for a period of time not to exceed twelve (12) months.
For a temporary service that will not become a permanent service, you will be charged a fee depending on the level of service required. See the Schedule of Fees for the applicable fee. A fee will be charged for the installation and removal of a temporary service. If a temporary service is required outside the standard defined above, and is still on secondary lines, a Per Extra Pole Fee will be charged in accordance with the Schedule of Fees, in addition to the Standard Fee. For any temporary service that requires non-standard secondary construction or construction of primary facilities, the estimated cost to construct and remove the entire facility will be paid prior to construction.
b. Temporary Relocation of an existing Permanent Service:
This applies when an existing service needs to be temporarily relocated during the renovation of your premise, and then permanently reinstalled. Refer to Terms & Conditions Section P: Modifications to Existing Distribution Facilities for additional information and the Schedule of Fees for applicable fee.
c. Temporary to Permanent Service:
This applies when a temporary service is installed to provide power during the construction phase of a project while provisions are made for a permanent service. A fee will be charged in accordance to the Schedule of Fees for this temporary service. The standard practice is to install a permanent service but we will accommodate you whenever possible and/or appropriate. Arrangements for the Temporary Service should be made during the on-site planning meeting between you and our representative (refer to Terms & Conditions Section P: Construction of Distribution Facilities). Temporary Services that are not converted to permanent within twelve months (12) may be disconnected and/or removed by us, at our discretion, upon notice to you. A reconnection fee in accordance with the Schedule of Fees will be charged when disconnection has occurred and reconnection is required.
Reference our Handbook for Electric Service for additional specifications regarding the characteristics of service.
N: Master Metering
Master metering, the use of a single meter to supply electric service at a building that contains two or more units, is prohibited. Each residential unit within a multi-unit residential building must have its own meter whether or not the utility service is under the control of a landlord. Service to individual units in multi-unit residential buildings will be classified as Basic Residential service according to Section J. Classification of Services in our Terms and Conditions.
A “multi-unit residential building” is one where there are two or more residential units; such as, but not limited to; duplexes, apartment buildings, condominiums, and other buildings converted or renovated into multiple residential units. We do not consider motels, hotels, boarding or rooming houses, dormitories or multi-unit time-sharing buildings, designed and operated as such, to be multi-unit residential buildings. In determining whether a building is classified as a multi-unit residential building, we may, at our sole discretion, refer to local, state or federal building classifications for the structure. We may also, at our sole discretion, take into consideration the specific physical configuration of, and amenities included in, the units.
Office buildings, shopping centers, motels, hotels, boarding and rooming houses, campgrounds, communications towers and similar non-residential commercial facilities may be served through a single meter. Such facilities may install sub-metering equipment only for the purpose of determining the allocations of the facility’s total electric bill among the tenants of the facility.
No circuits installed for the purpose of lighting, central alarm, or other purposes for public or common areas of a multi-unit residential building or a multi-occupancy building shall be supplied from equipment that supplies an individual residential unit or tenant space. These types of circuits shall be grouped together and shall have their own metering.
O. Outdoor Lighting
1. Our Lighting Service
We will provide and maintain lighting services when the fixture is owned by us and placed on a standard wood electrical pole that is owned or leased by us. We will provide the maintenance of both the fixture and pole.
For new or replacement fixtures, we offer three types of Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights. For more information, please see the Schedule of Rates. Electric service for lighting fixtures will be provided to each location through one service connection for each class of service at your location. Exceptions may be granted where permitted by national, state, and local codes, and approved by us.
If decorative lighting fixtures and poles are to be utilized, they will be owned and maintained by the member and will require a separately metered service (please see Terms and Conditions Section J: Classification of Service: Metered Lighting).
2. Installation of New Lighting
a. When construction of facilities is required, Terms and Conditions Section P: Construction of Distribution Facilities shall apply, including a Site Visit Fee in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
b. At no charge to you, we will install new lighting on existing poles owned or leased by us using overhead wiring and a standard fixture. If your requested installation requires a new pole and/or additional equipment, you are responsible for that cost.
c. You will be responsible for any excess cost incurred in connection with new installations beyond the cost of a standard lighting fixture. Such excess costs shall be paid in full prior to the installation being made unless otherwise approved by us.
d. The light fixture and pole must be located at the service location and property to which your electric service is supplied.
e. We may restrict outdoor lighting service to those that are reasonably accessible for service.
f. We shall maintain and own all poles, wires, fixtures, brackets, transformers, and other equipment furnished by us.
g. It is your responsibility to provide all permits, consents, or easements for outdoor lighting installations in accordance with Terms and Conditions Section Q: Rights, Permits, and Approvals.
h. After initial installation by us, you will bear the cost for us to move our equipment to another location on your premises.
i. In the case of new installations, extensions, and replacements which make use of underground conductors, we reserve the right to require you to furnish, own, and maintain such underground supply and distribution equipment.
3. Member Requested Replacement of Lighting
a. If you request the replacement of an existing light fixture in service for less than five years with a different fixture, you will be charged a fee for the removal by us in accordance with our Schedule of Fees.
4. Lighting Fixture Failure
a. We will exercise reasonable diligence to ensure that all lamps are lit at night and not during the day. When notified of an outage by the member of record, we shall make replacements promptly (normally within two business days) but are not required to perform any replacement or maintenance except during regular working hours.
b. In the case of frequent vandalism, lighting may be removed from a location.
c. If a fixture fails, it will be removed and replaced at no cost with an LED fixture. The monthly charge will change to the corresponding rate for the fixture type installed.
5. Member Requested Disconnection and Removal of Lighting
a. If you request the disconnection of any fixture on that has been in service for less than one year, you shall pay the remaining months of electric service for that light.
b. If you request an installation of a new light within 12 months from the removal of an old light, you will be charged a fee for the installation of the new light in accordance with the Schedule of Fees. No fee will be charged if the request is made more than 12 months after the light was removed.
6. Traffic Control
In the event traffic control is required for a new installation, replacement, repair, or disconnection, you are responsible to coordinate and to provide traffic control and to pay all costs associated with traffic control. The scheduling of work associated with the installation, replacement, repair, or disconnection will be made at our discretion with consideration given to minimizing travel and set-up time.
7. Additional Information
We also offer separately metered rates for owners of decorative fixtures and poles that require a separate service; these rates are described in Terms and Conditions Section J: Classification of Service.
For information about billing adjustments, please see Terms and Conditions Section L: Meters and Billing Adjustments.
Reference our Handbook for Electric Service for additional specifications regarding the characteristics of service.
P. Construction of Distribution Facilities
1. Introduction
a. The installation of a new service is a joint effort between you and/or your contractor and us. This section outlines each of our responsibilities. We extend electric service to a new location when we determine that:
01. The estimated new distribution revenue from the service provides a reasonable rate of return for both the construction and maintenance costs.
02. A suitable existing distribution line is within a reasonable distance.
03. The access to build or maintain the distribution facilities to your location is safe and feasible.
If these conditions are not met, you may be responsible for any additional costs.
b. We will work together to design your service and locate meters according to our standards concerning cost, safety, and reliability. Should your service or location require deviations from those standards, you will bear the cost. Our standards require:
01. Each residential unit/premise will have its own metering equipment.
02. For all non-residential sites, the service type will be determined by the type of business, type of structure(s), and the total load requirements of the business.
c. We will perform all construction work during normal working hours. At your request and at our discretion, we will perform construction work outside of normal working hours; and you will be responsible for any additional cost.
d. For a more detailed description of the responsibilities and requirements of installing a new electric service, we encourage you to review the Handbook for Electric Service.
2. New Construction
a. Before we build a new service, the following steps must be completed:
01. You must submit a request for service. Please contact Construction Services at 877-677-3236 to provide necessary information including your name, address, phone number, and location of service. For complete information on applying for service, please see to Terms and Conditions Section B: Obtaining Service.
02. Prior to a site visit, you must provide a copy of your tax map and deed as proof of ownership or sufficient legal interest (such as a lease with duration of at least five (5) years) in the property where service will be provided. Deeds may be required for abutting property owners.
03. You must schedule a meeting at the site of the new service with our representative. You may designate an agent to meet with us at the site, provided the agent has the full authority to act on your behalf. To cover the cost of the meeting, a Site Visit Fee must be paid in accordance with our Schedule of Fees. An additional Site Visit Fee shall apply for each subsequent meeting you request at the site. Site Visit Fees are non-refundable and must be paid before the meeting.
04. You must have an approved septic plan, site plan, driveway roughed in, closest NHEC pole number identified, and foundation or other evidence indicating your intent to complete a permanent service installation within 12 months of the date of the initial meeting with our representative referenced above. Installations to mobile homes will be considered permanent in nature provided they are installed on your property and have independent or publicly supplied water and sewage connections or are installed within the confines of a mobile home park.
05. You must agree with the design of the construction and meter location. If, after you’ve agreed to the design, a redesign is done (such as to meet the requirements of any easements, permits, or authorizations), you will pay a Site Visit Fee in accordance with the Schedule of Fees, plus the cost of any rework or additional construction resulting from the design change.
06. If a temporary service is requested and it becomes permanent, it will be billed in accordance with our Schedule of Fees and Rates. Please see Terms and Conditions Section M: Characteristics of Service for more information on Temporary Services.
07. For large voltage services (single-phase services greater than or equal to 400 amps and all multi-phase services), you must provide us with a complete and accurate Load Data Survey Sheet (available in the Handbook for Electric Service), subject to verification by us, and other justification of the requirements for such a large service if requested.
08. You must obtain all easements, permits, and authorizations required to allow us to construct and maintain electric facilities at no cost to us (please see Terms and Conditions Section Q: Rights, Permits, and Approvals). If you are unable to obtain the necessary easements, approvals, and authorizations in a period of 12 months, the project will be cancelled. If during the 12 month period you are unable to complete necessary site work required to allow us to construct and maintain electric facilities, the project will be cancelled.
09. You must pay any fees to construct and connect the service in accordance with the Schedule of Fees and these Terms and Conditions.
10. For underground service, you are responsible for all trenching and conduit work before construction begins. Before construction begins we will need to inspect the trench work to ensure it complies with our construction standards as described in the Handbook for Electric Service.
11. You must agree to take electric service from us at the location being constructed for a minimum of 12 months, unless you will be served as a primary class of service, in which case you must agree to take electric service from us at the location being constructed for a minimum of five (5) years. This requirement does not apply to Temporary Services (please see Terms and Conditions Section M: Characteristics of Service, 4. Temporary Service).
12. By accepting electricity from us, you agree to be bound by the applicable rates and current Terms and Conditions. Whether written or implied, this constitutes a contract to:
I. Receive and pay for electric service from us.
II. Allow us to build and maintain our facilities on your property as is necessary to provide service.
III. Allow us to designate a meter location that facilitates the location of the electric service attachment to the structure and the subsequent reading and servicing of the meter and associated equipment.
IV. Comply with the provisions of our current Terms and Conditions.
13. If a construction project is cancelled
I. The Site Visit Fee will not be refunded.
II. We will bill you for any labor and materials installed up to the date of cancellation, less any retirements and contribution in aid of construction that was paid for the project.
III. We will provide you with a summary and bill for any amount due within 90 days of a cancellation.
IV. If you decide to resume construction, the process will start from the beginning and all appropriate fees shall be assessed again.
b. We recognize four types of New Construction:
01. Single-Phase Service
At our discretion, we will construct new services along classified roads as defined by the State of New Hampshire.
I. At our discretion, we may extend our electric primary distribution facilities along the state- or town-owned public way giving access to properties where service is requested. You grant us the authority, which may include the right to use a right-of-way, necessary to construct and operate an electrical distribution system. Extensions will be built along public ways in preference to private property routes, even if the latter may be shorter, in order to provide for future extensions as well as more efficient and economical maintenance and service. You are responsible for the total estimated cost to construct primary distribution facilities needed for the new service. Exceptions will be at our discretion.
II. For self-contained single-phase services up to 400 amps, you are responsible for the total estimated cost to construct the new service including any costs to install and remove a temporary service, less the Construction Allowance in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
III. For single-phase services greater than 400 amps, you are responsible for the total estimated cost to construct the new service and you will supply all materials beyond the transformer secondary connectors.
IV. You must pay for all other costs incurred by us for construction, such as railroad crossings, river and pond crossings, crossing wetlands, extending to an island, use of submarine cable, and other special conditions (please see Terms and Conditions Section M: Characteristics of Service and Terms and Conditions Section Q: Rights, Permits, and Approvals).
02. Multi-Phase Service
At our discretion, we will construct new services and primary lines that are multi-phase provided that:
I. You meet all requirements for New Construction described above in Section P.2.a above unless specifically exempted below.
II. You grant us the authority, including a right-of-way, necessary to construct and operate an electrical distribution system along and parallel to the streets or upon the private property contained in the project.
III. You execute a recorded right-of-way for the entire property prior to recording the construction plan with the town.
IV. You furnish an electronic scale drawing of the structure with surrounding lot lines.
V. Multi-Phase Service Levels
i. For a service level that is less than or equal to 50 kW, you are responsible for the full cost to construct the new electric distribution facilities.
ii. For a service level that is greater than 50 kW, please see 3.a below (Return on Investment Analysis).
03. Backbone Development
I. A Backbone Development is the distribution infrastructure that utilizes two or more electric distribution transformers and provides electric service to individual structures.
II. When a Backbone Development is built, the full cost must be paid before the start of construction.
i. If the Backbone Development is built as underground, a Construction Allowance will be provided (in accordance with the Schedule of Fees).
ii. If the Backbone Development is built as overhead, no Construction Allowance will be provided.
III. Before we begin construction of electric facilities in a Backbone Development, the developer/contractor must:
i. Meet all requirements for New Construction described above Section P.2.a unless specifically exempted below.
ii. Grant us the authority, including a right-of-way, necessary to construct and operate an electrical distribution system along and parallel to the streets or upon the private property of the lots contained in the development.
iii. Before any construction is initiated, this right-of-way for the property will be executed by a blanket easement for the entire development signed by the legal landowner(s). The blanket easement will then be recorded at the appropriate County Registry of Deeds. Easement fees may apply.
iv. If necessary, this right-of-way will be documented by separate easements for each individual lot within the subdivision. These multiple easements will then be recorded at the appropriate County Registry of Deeds. Easement fees may apply.
v. Submit an electronic plat, prepared by a licensed surveyor, with streets and lots defined by meets and bounds. In multiple occupancy developments, such as apartments or condominiums, an electronic scale drawing of the development shall be furnished.
vi. Identify all lot boundaries or other needed points as required by us both on the electronic plat and physically with lot markers.
vii. Receive final approval by the planning agencies that have jurisdiction.
04. Unique Types of Construction
I. Towers (including Cell Towers)
i. We will place one meter for this type of facility within and at close proximity to the property line of the tower.
ii. You will be responsible for all electric service on your side of the meter.
iii. The location of the meter must be along a public road that is regularly maintained.
II. RV Parks (includes campgrounds, trailer parks, etc.)
Our Service Options:
1. Installation of only one metering point, with the member/RV Park owner who owns the park distribution system. We do not maintain the park distribution system. It will be set up as multi-phase service, either on rates LB32, IND, or as Primary service.
2. Construction by us of a residential distribution system within the park. Each lot site will have a meter. Each site will be placed on the B rate. The RV Park owner will be responsible for paying the monthly Member Service Charge in those months the site is not occupied.
III. Mobile Home Parks
i. This is defined as many individual home sites within the park, each one occupied by the same resident for a consecutive period of 12 months.
ii. Each mobile home site within the park must be separately metered.
3. Return on Investment Analysis (ROI)
a. If a non-residential multi-phase service is expected to exceed 50 kW, we may perform a Return on Investment analysis to determine the amount of an ROI Cooperative Allowance; reflecting our expected return on investment from the structure to be built.
b. An ROI requires a contract with us, and the availability of the business owner or corporate executive to approve and sign both the NHEC Load Data Sheet and the NHEC ROI Agreement.
c. With an ROI, you will always pay 50% of the estimated construction cost.
d. If the ROI payback period is determined to be 24 months or less, no deposit will be required.
e. For ROI payback periods longer than 24 months, a deposit will be required.
4. Modifications to Existing Distribution Facilities
a. When any changes in the location or character of service, service conductors, meters, transformers, and other necessary facilities are desired, you should make appropriate arrangements with us and an electrical contractor. All service wiring must be completed before we are scheduled to modify our service and other equipment. You will pay a non-refundable Site Visit Fee in accordance with the Schedule of Fees prior to our representative visiting the site.
b. To avoid undue outages or damages caused by members to Cooperative equipment, you must contact Construction Services at least 10 working days prior to any significant increases in electrical load caused by additional equipment or usage. If notice is not received and damage should occur to any facilities owned by us or other members, we may hold you financially responsible.
c. Service conductors, meters or metering equipment, or other Cooperative owned equipment shall not be removed or relocated except by our employees or agents.
d. If a temporary relocation of the service is necessary, you will be charged a fee in accordance with the Schedule of Fees to provide the temporary service (please see Terms and Conditions Section M: Characteristics of Service).
e. A modification will be limited to one primary pole; otherwise it may be considered a system improvement.
f. Type of Modification
1. NHEC Initiated: There will be no charge for modifications that we initiate.
2. Increased Load: If you request upgrades or modifications resulting in additional load when increasing the main breaker size of your self-contained single-phase services, you are responsible for the total cost of the modification, less the Construction Allowance in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
3. Net Metering: If you are installing or expanding an interconnection-facility (please see Terms and Conditions Section X: Net Metering), you are responsible for all costs of equipment, installation, and system modifications or improvements.
4. Conversion of Overhead to Underground: If your self-contained single-phase service is overhead and the modification of secondary distribution facilities results in building self-contained single-phase underground service, you are responsible for the total cost of the modification, less the Construction Allowance in accordance with the Schedule of Fees. Easement fees may apply.
5. Aesthetic or Convenience Relocation of Meter: If our existing facilities are adequate to serve your needs and you request modifications which are of an aesthetic or convenience nature, you will pay a fee for moving a meter in accordance with the Schedule of Fees. If additional equipment is necessary, you are responsible for all costs of equipment and installation.
6. Safety Related Relocation of Meter: If you request relocation of a meter due a safety hazard, we will not charge you for the relocation of the meter. If additional equipment is necessary, you are responsible for all costs of equipment and installation.
7. All Other Modifications: You are responsible for full cost to construct the electric distribution facilities. Any modification to primary distribution facilities is subject to approval by NHEC Engineering.
5. Payment for Construction
All costs must be paid before construction begins.
6. Recording All Agreements
Agreements made pursuant to this section will bind the successors in title to your premises and with such formalities as are required for recording in the Registry of Deeds for the applicable County in the State of New Hampshire and may be so recorded. You shall pay all recording fees in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
7. Conversion of Service
For any planned conversion of an existing commercial building to individual residential type units (apartments, condominium, etc.), please contact us prior to the start of any construction to review your plans. This review will help to ensure that the remodeled individual residential units will be metered with residential rates. We are available to assist in ensuring that your goals are achieved.
8. Member Requested Temporary Disconnection of Service Lines
a. We will not charge you if a temporary disconnection is requested due to a safety issue. Examples for which we will not charge include, but are not limited to:
01. Covering the line to allow for painting or an addition to the premises.
02. “Floating” the service for siding installation.
03. De-energizing the service while the meter socket is replaced.
04. When the service entrance cable is changed (the conductor from the weather head to the meter).
05. Installation or maintenance of a septic system.
06. Installation or maintenance of a well.
07. Result of a fire.
08. Temporarily removing the line to allow for tree cutting or removal, only when the tree could endanger our line.
I. This will be determined by our line crew when they are on site.
II. This applies to any of our lines that are within our right-of-way.
III. You will pay the Standard Fee for Temporary Relocation of Permanent service in accordance with the Schedule of Fees, prior to scheduling the work. We will determine when the work is completed if it was safety related.
09. If at the time of your request we deem the work required to be a non-safety related issue, you will pay the Standard Fee for Temporary Relocation of Permanent service in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
I. The fee will be refunded if we determine the work required provides adequate protection for the construction being done.
9. Member Built Lines
This is an alternative construction method available to you for a new line extension and service. All transformers and meters must be obtained from us.
We strongly discourage you from building your own distribution line extension and service. In most circumstances the “member-built” approach is not in your financial best interest. More importantly, the “member-built” approach creates a risk that you will expend substantial time, effort, and money in the coordination and construction of facilities, which may not fully meet all of our requirements to insure the safety, reliability, and proper administration of our distribution system. In such situations, we cannot provide service to you over the non-conforming facilities. In the rare circumstances where a “member-built” approach is a workable option, you have the responsibility comply with our Terms and Conditions and Engineering and Construction Standards.
Due to agreements in place between us and the various NH telephone companies, we cannot offer the “member-built” approach for overhead lines in the following towns: Benton, Conway, Danbury, Gilmanton, Hill, Holderness, Lincoln, Moultonborough, Sandwich, Tuftonboro, Warren, Wilmot, Wolfeboro, Woodstock.
The following steps must be taken to ensure compliance:
a. You shall agree to pay a Member Built Line Fee in accordance with the Schedule of Fees before the line is constructed, ownership is transferred, and line is energized.
b. You must follow Section P.2.a above.
c. A Site Visit Fee in accordance with the Schedule of Fees will be charged before the meeting referenced in Section P.2.a.02 above will be held.
d. You shall communicate to us your decision to hire a NHEC-approved Electrical Construction Contractor to build the line (a list of approved contractors will be provided by us).
e. You shall sign a Pre-Construction Agreement prior to construction.
f. You shall provide all materials for the entire line, with the exception of the transformer(s), which you will purchase from us. The meter(s) will be furnished by us.
g. You shall ensure that all materials meet our Engineering Standards or are approved by us.
h. You shall ensure that all construction adheres to our current construction standards.
i. You or your electrical contractor shall arrange for a pre-construction consultation with our Operations Supervisor (OS) and/or District Representative (DR) of the respective service areas.
j. You shall ensure that right-of-way cutting and trimming meets our current requirements as stated on our work order staking sheet.
k. You shall arrange for a pole and/or trench inspection with our OS/DR after poles have been set and/or conduit is in place.
l. You shall obtain all appropriate town permits, arrange for all appropriate town inspections, and obtain all appropriate town approvals.
m. You shall arrange for final acceptance inspection with our OS/DR when all construction is completed to Cooperative Standards.
n. You shall agree to pay all fees and expenses owed to us and provide sufficient proof that all Contractors have been paid before ownership of the line is transferred to us or is energized.
o. You shall obtain all easements, permits or authorizations required to construct and maintain your facilities at no cost to us (please see Terms and Conditions Section Q: Rights, Permits, and Approvals).
p. You shall agree that construction will not begin until all easements and payments have been received by us and the job has been released for construction.
q. You shall agree to provide us with a signed Transfer of Ownership Agreement upon final inspection of the line.
Q. Rights, Permits, and Approvals
We build, own, operate and maintain overhead and underground electric facilities only along public or private rights-of-way or property that we have the legal right to occupy. For safety and system integrity reasons, no person or organization shall install or attach any wire, signs, or other materials or equipment to any of our poles, conductors or other fixtures and property, unless we have granted express written consent as provided by New Hampshire Statute RSA 236:75.
1. Easements
In order for us to provide you with electric service, or to construct, maintain or relocate our facilities, we will require that you sign or obtain all necessary signatures, have notarized and deliver to us grants of easement or rights-of-way over, on, and under land that you own where we need to install our facilities. It is your responsibility to provide or, if you do not own the property, to obtain the necessary easements, and to make any payments required by the landowners. However, we will provide assistance in trying to obtain easements. We will provide easement forms if you wish and will attempt to solicit right-of-way easements from all other property owners whose lands will be impacted by the extension of our facilities to you. If you are unable to obtain the necessary easements in a period of twelve (12) months, the project will be closed and a Site Visit Fee will apply in accordance with the Schedule of Fees to have the project reopened. All easements drafted pursuant to this Section must be acceptable to us and must bind the successors in title to the property with such formalities as are required for recording in the Registry of Deeds for the applicable County in the State of New Hampshire and will be so recorded. It is your responsibility to pay all recording fees in accordance with the Schedule of Fees. All easements must provide us with the right to keep any right-of-way clear of trees, shrubbery, undergrowth and other obstructions. The normal width of a right-of-way is 15 feet on either side of the distribution line, for a full thirty foot wide right-of-way.
2. Licensing Within Public Ways
If a permit is required for us to place facilities within any public way, we will seek to obtain it, but we cannot guarantee it will be granted. We shall not be required to supply energy until a reasonable time after such permits are granted. We will petition for permits and licenses as requested per the New Hampshire Department of Transportation Utility Accommodation Manual, section XVII, titled Pole Licensing Procedure.
3. Special Permits
a. Wetlands, Public Water and Public Lands It is your responsibility to provide some and pay for all permits necessary to enable us to install, construct, inspect, maintain, operate, rebuild, remove, improve, expand or modify our facilities as may be necessary and appropriate for the extension of electrical service. We can assist or provide direction to obtain some permits and permissions for a fee, which is outlined in the Schedule of Fees.
01. Wetland and/or Shoreline Permits No person may excavate, remove, fill, dredge or construct any structures in or on any bank, flat, marsh, or swamp in or adjacent to any waters of the state without first obtaining any necessary permit. Should we need to construct a cable, conduit or a line of poles or wires and fixtures, over, under or across any wetlands, it is your responsibility to work directly with, and provide all documentation to and meet the requirements of, the Wetlands Bureau of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.
02. Water Crossing “Public Waters” are defined to be all ponds of more than 10 acres, tidewater bodies, and such streams or portions thereof. Should we need to construct a cable, conduit or a line of poles or wires and fixtures, over, under or across any of the public waters of New Hampshire, it is your responsibility to provide all documentation and meet the requirements of the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (NHPUC). If you need assistance from us to obtain the required documents, you will be charged a fee for this service in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
03. State Lands
Lands that include but are not limited to: state forests, state parks, natural areas, historic sites, geologic sites, recreation trails, memorial areas, fire towers, wayside areas, heritage parks, resource centers, agricultural areas, state forest nurseries, fish piers, administrative facilities, information centers, demonstration forests, certain islands, and other lands, including those under lease to the state, are referred to as State-owned public lands. Should we need to construct a cable, conduit or a line of poles or wires and fixtures on, over, under or across any state-owned public lands, it is your responsibility to obtain permitting from the state. If you need assistance from us to obtain the required documents, you will be charged a fee for this service in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
04. National Forest Permits
Should we need to construct a cable, conduit or a line of poles or wires and fixtures on, over, under or across any portion of the White Mountain National Forest, it will be your responsibility to contact the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service and obtain the necessary permitting to construct and maintain the same. If you need assistance from us to obtain the required documents, you will be charged a fee for this service in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
05. Scenic Roads
Any tree or other vegetation cutting required for construction of a distribution line along a town maintained road that is designated as a Scenic Road (as provided in RSA 231:157), must have written consent of the town planning board and be presented in a public hearing in accordance with state law. If you need assistance from us to obtain the required documents, you will be charged a fee for this service in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
b. Railroad Crossing Permits For any requested crossings over or under a section of any part of a railroad corridor owned by the State of New Hampshire, we must meet any and all requirements of the State through the Rail and Transit Bureau or the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. For distribution lines that transverse or parallel, over or under the tracks and property of a railroad not controlled by the New Hampshire Department of Transportation, we will file a plan and layout delineating the route for such lines with the NHPUC 30 days prior to beginning construction and must make payment to the railroad as ordered by the Public Utilities Commission (RSA 371:24). We will provide the plan and layout and you will be charged a fee for this service in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
c. Right-Of-Way Encroachment Any request for service that will cause the encroachment of our facilities into another utility’s franchise territory requires permission from that utility and/or the Public Utilities Commission for the extent of that encroachment. No construction will commence until those permissions are received. We will secure these permissions and you will be charged a fee for this service in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
4. Recording All Agreements
Agreements made pursuant to the Terms and Conditions will bind the successors in title to the member’s premises and comply with such formalities as are required for recording in the Registry of Deeds for the applicable County in the State of New Hampshire and may be so recorded. In accordance with the Schedule of Fees, it is your responsibility to pay all recording fees.
5. Requests for Information
a. Pole Record Requests Requests for pole records data that pertain to your premises are not normally received from members as these structures can be accessed visually, however, in the event we receive written requests by you for access to pole records, you will be charged a fee for this service in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
b. Right-of-way Requests Right-of-way documents are a matter of public record and can be obtained from the various State and Municipal Offices such as City / Town Halls, Registry of Deeds, etc. You may submit a written request to us for this information, but you will be charged a fee for this service in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
c. Property Disputes Regarding property disputes, we can only provide information regarding our existing right-of -way interests on private property. In accordance with the Schedule of Fees you will be charged the actual cost for this service as well as any legal fees attached to the case.
d. Abandonment Requests You may make a written request that we abandon an existing right-of-way. We reserve the right to decline any and all right-of-way abandonment requests. You will be charged the actual cost for this service in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
e. Encroachment of our Right-of-way You may request to encroach upon our right-of-way. We reserve the right to decline any and all right-of-way encroachment requests. You will be charged a fee for this service in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
R. Co-op Power Charges
If you have not chosen a third party supplier to be your electricity supplier, you will be served with Co-op Power. Co-op Power is electricity that we purchase for use by our members who don’t have an arrangement with a third party to provide electricity for us to deliver. We resell the electricity we buy on the wholesale market to you at cost. The Co-op Power Charge on your bill is adjusted at least twice annually to reflect our actual costs to provide this service. Any adjustments we make include an amount (that may be positive or negative) for any under or over recovery from the prior period. For the Co-op Power Charges that are currently effective, please refer to our Schedule of Fees, Charges and Rates for complete details.
S. Regional Access Charge
A Regional Access Charge is billed on all accounts to recover the cost of accessing the regional power supply transmission system. The Regional Access Charge is adjusted at least twice annually to reflect the actual costs to provide this service, including an amount (that may be positive or negative) for any under- or over-recovery from the prior period. For the Regional Access Charges that are currently effective refer to our Schedule of Rates.
T. Consumption and BET Tax Charges
Effective January 1, 2019, the Electricity Consumption Tax and Business Enterprise Tax charges no longer appear on members’ bills.
U. NHEC Programs
Round Up Program
The Round Up Program collects voluntary contributions from our members who have their monthly bills for electric service rounded up to the next dollar with the proceeds benefiting the NHEC Foundation. a charitable organization that makes grants throughout NHEC’s service territory. You may opt out of or opt back into the Round Up Program at anytime by calling us and following the automated process; by submitting a form available on our website or speaking to one of our Member Solutions Representatives at 1-800-698-2007.
V. Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
1. Renewable Energy Monitoring Fee
In accordance with New Hampshire Puc 2500 rules, solar PV, wind and other renewable energy resource installations at member premises are eligible to be certified by the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (NHPUC) as “Customer Sited Sources” for the creation of Renewable Energy Certificates. The NHPUC has approved us as an “Independent Monitor” of such sources. As such, if you choose to have us monitor your renewable resource, we will charge you a Monitoring Fee in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
As a monitor of electric generating equipment (i.e. solar PV or wind), we will install a meter on your meter socket to measure the electric generation of your renewable energy system. We will maintain and read this meter and report the metered information to the NHPUC and through the New England Power Pool NEPOOL Generation Information System as required by the NHPUC rules. We will also provide an annual report to you.
For monitoring of solar hot water heaters that displace electric hot water heater usage, we will calculate the electricity displacement as required by the Puc 2500 rules and report the information to the NHPUC and through the NEPOOL Generation Information System as required by the NHPUC rules. We will also provide an annual report to you.
2. Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program
Residential members who participate in NHEC’s Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program are eligible to apply for interest-free loans to finance a portion of their out-of-pocket expenses for energy efficiency improvements made as part of that program. Repayment of these loans is made through a separate charge on your monthly electric bill.
The availability of member loans is limited by loan fund availability and may be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
a. Eligibility
Loan eligibility is limited to active residential members. At our sole discretion, we shall determine your eligibility for this program, subject to fund availability and satisfaction of the following criteria:
I. $500 – $4,000: No outside credit check, you must have excellent payment history with NHEC.
II. Repayment Term (Loan amount: Term):
i. $500 to $2,000: Up to 2 years
ii. $2,000 to $3,000: Up to 3 years
iii. $3,000 to $4,000: Up to 4 years
b. Member Agreement
Participating members will be required to execute a Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Member Agreement which will provide:
01. Loan repayment will be made in equal monthly payments on your electric bill.
02. Late payments will be subject to Late Payment Fees, Returned Check Fees and Collection Fee in accordance with our Schedule of Fees and Charges.
03. The loan repayment obligation will remain with you if you move or sell the property.
04. You must pay any remaining balance of the loan if you vacate the premise.
05. You cannot be disconnected for non-payment on the loan.
3. Commercial & Municipal Efficiency Loan Program
Small Commercial and Municipal members who participate in NHEC’s Small Business Energy Solutions Program or Municipal Program are eligible to apply for interest-free loans to finance their portion of out-of-pocket expenses for energy efficiency improvements made as part of that program. Repayment of these loans is made through a separate charge on your monthly electric bill.
The availability of member loans is limited by loan fund availability and may be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
a. Eligibility
Loan eligibility is limited to active Small Commercial and Municipal members. At our sole discretion, we shall determine your eligibility for this program, subject to fund availability and satisfaction of the following criteria:
I. $500 to $20,000:
i. You must have excellent payment history with NHEC and own or lease the property where the energy efficiency measures are being installed.
ii. The amount of the loan may not exceed your share of the installed cost of the energy efficiency measures.
iii. NHEC makes no representations of any energy and/or demand performance results to be achieved by the energy efficiency measures installed.
II. Repayment Guidelines (Loan amount: Term):
i. $500 to $5,000: Up to 1 year
ii. $5,001 to $10,000: Up to 2 years
iii. $10,001 to $20,000: Up to 3 years
b. Member Agreement
Participating members will be required to execute a Commercial and Municipal Energy Efficiency Project Financing Agreement which will provide:
01. Loan repayment will be made in equal monthly payments on your electric bill.
02. Late payments will be subject to Late Payment Fees, Returned Check Fees, and Collection Fees in accordance with our Schedule of Fees.
03. The loan repayment obligation will remain with you if you move or sell the property.
04. You must pay any remaining balance of the loan if you vacate the premise.
05. You cannot be disconnected for non-payment on the loan.
W. Co-op Renewable Choice Program
Effective August 1, 2024, the Renewable Choice Program has been replaced with renewable energy rates. Please refer to the Schedule of Rates.
X. Net Metering
1. Introduction
We support the development of member-sited renewable energy generation and storage facilities (referred to herein as an interconnection-facility) by providing net metering, which is the installation of a bi-directional meter that allows you to offset your electricity requirements and to export surplus energy into our distribution system. Anyone planning to operate an interconnection-facility is herein referred to as a member-generator. You must receive approval from us prior to interconnecting to our distribution system. A member-generator may not exceed a total generating capacity of up to and including one megawatt that is located behind a retail meter on your premises, is interconnected and operates in parallel with our distribution system, and is used to offset your electricity requirements.
2. General Information
a. General Requirements
1. As a member-generator, you shall comply with any local, state or federal law, statute or regulation that applies to the design, siting, construction, installation, operation, or any other aspect of the member-generator’s interconnection-facility.
2. As a member-generator, you shall comply with all applicable requirements in our Tariff, Terms and Conditions, Handbook for Electric Service, and Net Metering Interconnection Instructions.
3. Interconnection with our distribution system shall not authorize you to use our electric distribution system for the transmission or distribution of electric power.
4. We have the right to review the design of your interconnection-facility and to inspect such facility prior to the commencement of operation to ensure it meets our requirements.
5. We may require you to make modifications to your interconnection-facility as necessary to comply with the requirements of these Terms and Conditions. .
6. Our review and authorization for operation shall not be construed as confirming or endorsing your design or as warranting the interconnection-facility’s safety, durability or reliability.
7. We shall not, by reason of such review or lack of review, be responsible for the strength, adequacy, capacity, or any other aspect of such facility’s equipment.
8. Your interconnection-facility shall be reasonably accessible to our personnel as necessary for us to perform our duties (see Terms & Conditions Section I: Access to Your Premises.)
9. Any information pertaining to an interconnection-facility provided to us by you shall be treated in a confidential manner.
10. You shall be responsible for all costs associated with the interconnection to our distribution system, including any costs associated with making changes to equipment owned by us.
11. Your interconnection-facility shall have a total AC inverter nameplate generating capacity not to exceed one megawatt.
12. Your electric account must be current on payments. Accounts overdue 30 days or more must be paid in order to remain in good credit standing and to participate in net metering.
13, Member-generators on the BL or BL2 rate shall, at no cost to you, have the off-peak sub-meter removed prior to interconnecting your facility. The removal of this meter does not affect your existing monthly credit of your off-peak heat program.
14. Member-generators may not energize their interconnection-facility unless the interconnection process is followed pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, see 2.d-f below.
b. Metering Requirements
1. Metering for this type of service shall be done in accordance with our normal metering practices as follows:
a. You shall have metering that records the amount of electricity that is delivered to you by us (“Delivered Energy”) and the amount of electricity that is received by our distribution system from you (“Exported Energy”). Such metering shall record measurements instantaneously or over intervals of an hour or less.
b. All member-generator installations shall include the installation of an approved meter socket at your expense to accommodate our generation meter measuring the flow of electricity from your generator to your premises. This meter socket must be installed at an exterior location in accordance with our Handbook for Electric Service.
c. Additions to the original installation must be wired such that they run through the same meters.
c. Pre-application Review
Before purchasing or installing renewable generation equipment, you may request that we informally review the proposed project and provide information on:
1. Whether your interconnection-facility and electric grid interface unit is likely to comply with our requirements.
2. Whether you are in an area or service location that is likely to require any type of system upgrade or a study to ascertain possible upgrade requirements.
d. Interconnection Application
1. To initiate the process to engage in net metering, you must file an Interconnection Application with us.
2. You will need to pay an Interconnection Application Fee, if applicable, when filing an Interconnection Application with us, in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.
3. Upon request, we shall provide you written confirmation that the Interconnection Application has been received.
4. When we provide a receipt for an Interconnection Application, the receipt does not constitute acceptance of the filing.
5. All accepted Interconnection Applications are placed in a “Queue” for installation in a position relative to the available capacity on our distribution system, identified as a “Queue Number.” An Interconnection Application is held in the Queue for 12 months following the receipt date of the completed application. If you increase the AC inverter nameplate rating relative to your original application, you will lose your Queue Number and will need to reapply for interconnection. Upon reapplication, you will be assigned a new Queue Number and receipt date.
e. Interconnection Application Completeness Review
1. The review process will begin when you submit an Interconnection Application.
2. We will evaluate the Interconnection Application for completeness and notify you in writing within 20 business days of the application’s receipt whether it is complete. If the Interconnection Application is not complete, we will inform you in writing what information is missing.
3. We will verify that your listed equipment meets all of our requirements.
4. If we determine that interconnection of your facility would jeopardize the safety, reliability, or power quality of our distribution system, you will be notified that system changes will be required prior to your Interconnection Application being determined complete.
5. In the event that we require system modifications, we shall provide you a description of work and an estimate of the cost you will pay for these modifications.
a. If you agree to pay for the system modifications, you shall sign the description of the work and submit a signed copy with the payment of the estimated costs.
b. Upon receipt of your payment, we shall schedule and perform the system modifications.
6. Upon completion of the system modifications and the submission of any other information that is required, we will notify you that you may begin constructing your interconnection-facility.
f. Installation and Interconnection of Facility
1. After we notify you that the Interconnection Application is complete, you may install the interconnection-facility.
2. Once the interconnection-facility is installed, you must arrange for inspection of the completed installation by the local building inspector or, if one is not available, a New Hampshire licensed electrician.
3. The person who inspects the installation pursuant to (2) above must sign the Interconnection Application indicating compliance with all code requirements.
4. You or the installing contractor must perform a “witness test,” which consists of the following:
a. After installation of the interconnection-facility and before final approval and interconnection to our distribution system, you shall, in addition to the certifications required in connection with the Interconnection Application, conduct a load-break test on the generator, as described below, to confirm that the anti-islanding controls are functioning:
i. When conducting a load-break test, you shall demonstrate that, after the main disconnect switch or circuit breaker of the residence or building is turned off, the generation unit shuts down within 2 seconds.
ii. If the generation unit fails to shut down within 2 seconds after conducting the test as provided in (i.) above, you shall remedy the fault, re-conduct load-break test, and sign the Interconnection Application verifying the witness test has been completed.
iii. For non-inverter interfaced systems, the installing contractor shall conduct an initial test on a non-inverter interfaced system, by demonstrating that:
1. The relays function as designed:
a. The testing of the relays of a non-inverter interfaced system shall be conducted by a qualified individual that utilizes test equipment:
i. Necessary to adequately test the key components of the system;
ii. That it is calibrated within tolerances sufficient to assure accurate testing;
iii. That it is calibrated with a frequency consistent with industry standards.
2. All key components of the system function as designed
3. The anti-islanding function of the unit works properly.
iv. Upon request, you shall allow us to have a representative present for the initial or periodic testing required by this section.
v. When verification of the installed relay functions has been completed as described above, you shall sign the Interconnection Application where indicated and provide confirmation that all testing has been completed.
b. Prior to operation, during normal business hours, you shall provide us the opportunity to conduct an inspection of the unit at a mutually agreeable time. If our inspection determines the interconnection-facility is appropriately installed and functioning without jeopardizing the safety, reliability, or power quality of our distribution system, we will install the meters and sign the Interconnection Application stating the application is authorized to operate. A copy of the finalized Interconnection Application will be provided to you.
c. If your interconnection-facility fails inspection, you shall be charged a non-refundable Interconnection Site Visit Fee for each subsequent inspection trip we make.
5. If you do not complete installation within 12 months after the Interconnection Application is accepted by us, your Queue Number will expire and you will need to reapply for interconnection.
g. Upgrades or Changes to Interconnected System
1. A new Interconnection Application shall be required for any proposed addition, change, or upgrade to your interconnected system affecting the systems’ operational characteristics, including, but not limited to:
a. The generation capacity is increased or generation source altered;
b. Any key component of the system, such as the AC inverter nameplate rating, is replaced or upgraded;
c. The relays for a non-inverter system, are replaced, rewired or upgraded; or
d. Elements of the system that impact the safety of the interconnection or the parallel operation of the system are changed.
2. When any changes are made as described in items (a) through (d) above, a new witness test is required as is described in section X.2.f.4. along with a utility inspection.
h. Required Testing Once Per Year After Installation
1.For any interconnection-facility which interfaces with our distribution system by an inverter, you shall conduct a load-break test once per year after installation and verify the proper calibration and protective function of the components and systems of the generation unit, which shall include the testing prescribed by the unit manufacturer and frequency determined by the unit size. The verification of the calibration and protective function shall be done:
a. Once every four years or according to the schedule recommended by the manufacturer, whichever is more frequent, for facilities rated greater than 25 kW.
b. Once every four years for facilities rated 25 kW or less.
2. The testing of the calibration and protective function of the components and systems of a non-inverter interfaced system shall be conducted by an entity qualified as specified in section X.2.f.4.
3. You shall maintain a written record of the dates and procedures for tests conducted pursuant to this section. The written record of verification testing shall be maintained for inspection by us for a period of four years from the date of the respective test.
i. Cooperative Access to Interconnection-Facility
1. We may inspect the interconnection-facility at our own expense at a time reasonably agreeable to you.
2. Except in emergency circumstances, we shall provide not less than 5 business days’ notice to you that we intend to inspect the interconnection-facility, install additional controls or meters, or conduct additional tests.
3. You shall not withhold access to us to inspect the interconnection-facility, install additional controls or meters, or conduct additional tests if we have provided reasonable notice or we have reason to believe that an urgent situation exists.
3. Individual Net Metering
Individual member-generators utilize interconnection-facilities solely for the individual member’s use.
a. Applicability
1. The member-generator will be the customer of record and shall be billed for Delivered Energy services under our Schedule of Rates applicable to the member-generator’s service classification (see Terms & Conditions Section J: Classification of Service.)
2. A member-generator shall be credited for Exported Energy services under the Schedule of Rates applicable to the member-generator’s service classification. A member-generator who has chosen a competitive energy supplier will not be credited the Co-op Power portion of the Exported Energy rate.
b. Annual Review and Payment
1.Following the March billing cycle each year we shall conduct a review of member-generators that have been credited, over the preceding twelve (12) months, for more Exported Energy than Delivered Energy.
i. If a credit balance of at least $50 remains from your Exported Energy, you will receive a written notice indicating that you can continue to carry and accumulate the dollar credit balance unless you elect to receive a payment by check for the corresponding dollar credit balance on the electric account as of the end of the March billing cycle.
2. If you have a credit balance of at least $50 from your Exported Energy following your June or September billing cycle, you may request to receive a payment by check for the corresponding dollar credit balance on the electric account as of the end of the billing cycle. Requests must be received within 30 days of the June or September billing date by contacting our Member Solutions Department at 1-800-698-2007.
4. Group Net Metering
Group member-generators are those where a “group-host” member generates renewable energy for a group of members.
a. Applicability
1. A “group-host” is a member-generator who elects to assume the same duties and obligations as are required for non-Cooperative “customer-generators” by RSA 362-A: 9, XIV, for the purpose of reducing or otherwise controlling the energy costs of a group of members who have signed an agreement with the group-host. A group-host must be a member of the Cooperative and must purchase Co-op Power.
2. A “group-member” is a member who has signed an agreement with a group-host. To participate as a group-member, during the term of the agreement you must be a member of the Cooperative, must purchase Co-op Power from us, and cannot be a member-generator.
3. Group Net Metering is only available if there is a written agreement signed by the group-host generating renewable energy and by each member participating in the group.
b. Registration of Group-hosts
1. Any member-generator seeking to become a group-host or re-register as a group-host shall provide us with a Group Host Application.
2. You cannot begin acting as a group-host until you have completed all aspects of the application process required by this section.
3. If we request information or clarification before deeming the application to be complete and such information or clarification is not provided within 60 days of the date of the request, we shall suspend action on the application and provide notice of such suspension to you. If, after 120 days from the date of the request, you have not provided the requested information or clarification, we shall reject the application and notify you to reapply.
4. Once the application is approved, we shall move your electric account to a calendar month billing cycle.
c. Duties of the Cooperative
Upon receipt of the Group Host Application or amended Group Host Application, and after we notify you, the group-host, of its acceptance, we shall thereafter pay you for your Net Exported Energy at the end of each billing cycle, beginning with the normal meter read date immediately following the effective date of your registration, unless the meter read date is less than 5 business days after the effective date, in which case the first payment shall be made for the billing cycle beginning with the next meter read date.
d. Changes in Group Members
1. The procedure by which group-members are added and removed from the group shall be defined in the group-host’s agreement. This agreement describes how group-members may be added, how group-members may leave voluntarily, and how group-members may be removed involuntarily. You, as group-host, shall keep records of the dates that each group-member joins and leaves the group. You will also be responsible for providing the projected annual load for each participating group-member.
2. The addition of a group-member shall be effective on your first meter read date in the billing cycle immediately following the new group-member’s addition.
3. The departure of a group-member shall be effective on your last meter read date immediately preceding the group-member’s date of departure.
e. Annual Report
1. You, as group-host, shall file a Group Host Annual Report with us on or before April 1 of each year after registration, providing all of the following information related to the preceding calendar year:
i. For group-members who participated during the course of the immediately preceding calendar year, you need to provide to us the effective dates of each such group-member’s addition, their name, billing address, service address, and NHEC account number.
ii. For group-members who stopped participating during the course of the immediately preceding calendar year, you need to provide to us the effective date of each such departure, the group-member’s name, billing address, service address, and NHEC account number.
iii. You, as group-host, shall sign and date the Group Host Annual Report to certify that the information on the form is true to the best of your knowledge and belief.
2. If you fail to file a complete Group Host Annual Report within 30 days of the deadline, we will:
i. Stop making monthly payments.
ii. Change your account to the corresponding individual net metering rate code.
3. If you, as group-host, exit Group Net Metering, you shall file a Group Host Annual Report prior to closing your account.
f. Failure to Comply
1. We may permanently or temporarily terminate the registration of a group-host, for either of the following:
i. Misrepresentation of information required by these Terms and Conditions which, if accurately reported, would have resulted in the denial of the application.
ii. A material non-compliance with any of these Terms and Conditions.
5. Below the Cap Net Metering
a. Applicability
“Below the Cap” individual net metering and group net metering services are only available to eligible member-generators for which Interconnection Applications were filed before May 1, 2015, and which were interconnected on or before December 31, 2015, without material changes from the specifications stated in the Interconnection Application.
b. Increase in Size of Generator
Existing member-sited renewable generation facilities which are net metered pursuant to these “Below the Cap” net metering terms may continue to do so unless and until the system’s AC inverter nameplate rating is increased or, for non-inverter systems, the size of the generator is increased in which case the member-generator will no longer be eligible for “Below the Cap” net metering Terms and Conditions and rates, and will instead be subject to the Co-op’s general net metering Terms and Conditions and rates. When a member-generator is no longer eligible for “Below the Cap,” we will compensate for any banked kWh at the most recent NH PUC avoided cost rate.
c. Exiting from the Net Metering System
Upon exit from the net energy metering system, there shall be no payment or credit to a member-generator for any remaining “banked” kWh.
d. Individual Net Metering
1. You shall be billed for electricity under the same rate schedule that you would be billed if you had no generation, including the member service charge and demand charge where applicable.
2. When Delivered Energy exceeds Exported Energy during the billing period, you shall be billed based upon the net energy supplied in accordance with the applicable rate schedule.
i. Industrial, Primary, and Large Primary member-generators shall only receive a credit for Co-op Power for the energy supplied to our distribution system.
3. When the Exported Energy exceeds Delivered Energy, the net surplus kWh shall be “banked” on your account and available to offset future kWh delivered to you.
4. Annual Review and Banked kWh
Following the March billing cycle each year we review member-generators purchasing Co-op Power that have surplus electricity production (“banked” kWh) over the preceding twelve (12) months in excess of 600 kWh. Those member-generators shall have three options:
i .Continue to accumulate any banked kWh.
ii. Receive a bill credit equal to the NH PUC avoided cost rate for the banked kWh.
iii. Elect payment by check equal to the NH PUC avoided cost rate for the banked kWh.
e. Group Net Metering
1. Annual Report
i. Below the Cap group-hosts shall follow the same annual report requirements as set out in Section X.4.e.1.
ii. If the group-host fails to file a complete annual report within 30 days of the deadline, we will:
1. Stop making monthly payments.
2. Terminate the group-host’s registration if the group-host fails to file an annual report by October 1 of the year the annual report is due.
3. Change the terminated group-host’s account to the corresponding individual net metering rate code.
2. Annual Review
For all Below the Cap group-hosts, by June 1 of each year, we shall determine if a group-host has surplus electricity exceeding the total use of the group-members. If so, we shall adjust the group-host’s account balance so that the excess generation is compensated at the NH PUC avoided cost rate.
6. Renewable Energy Certificates
Net metering facilities are eligible for the sale or transfer of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) produced based on the member-generator facility’s output. The sale or transfer of RECs is managed through a regulatory process established by the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission. For details of the regulatory process please reference:
- NH Puc 2500
All RECs associated with your facility shall remain your property unless and until such certificates are sold or transferred by you.
The following list of Rate Codes defines our REC monitoring options and fees.
Rate Codes with a Monitoring Fee:
• Rate PVN, WINDN – NHEC monitors generation for informational purposes only (RECs are not produced) or member sells the RECs to NHEC.
Rate Codes without a Monitoring Fee:
• Rate PVY, WINDY – Member allows NHEC to have the RECs.
• Rate PVM, WINDM – Does not involve NHEC. The member may sell RECs to a third party or disregard the RECs altogether. (RECs may or may not be produced).
Additional information on RECs and options available to member-generators who produce RECs are available on our website.
Y. Demand Response
Go Beyond the Peak!
Y.1 Peak Days Program
Under the Peak Days program, you will be sent a notification that a peak usage period on our system is anticipated and that your ability to reduce your electricity usage during that period would be helpful. We all benefit if we can reduce our highest cost purchases.
A. Eligibility Requirements
Any member of the Cooperative is eligible for this program.
B. Program Terms
You can opt in or out at any time.
C. Demand Response Events
We will declare a Demand Response Event when we anticipate that demand for electricity will be especially high. Events will last no more than five hours and will occur between the hours of 12:00 noon and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding NERC holidays (as defined in Section J. Classification of Service). No more than 15 events will be declared per year between June 1 and September 30.
D. Notifications
We will notify you of an event by 8:00 p.m. the day before the event and again when the event starts. We will notify you via email, SMS text, direct phone call, or SmartHub in accordance with your preferences.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Terms and Conditions
- Membership Rights and Responsibilities
- Service Interruption
- Obtaining Service
- Application for Service
- Term of Service
- Security Deposits
- Opening a New Residential Account
- Opening a New Non-Residential Account
- For Existing Accounts (Residential and Non-Residential)
- Terms of Deposit
- Deposit Options
- Transferring accounts with a deposit
- Transferring accounts with a recurring bank draft/credit card
- Member Initiated Service Termination
- Meter Reading
- Payment Terms
- Payment Obligation
- Payment Methods
- Checks Returned from Banks
- Budget Billing Plan Option
- Prepaid Metering Option
- Payment Arrangements
- Collection Fee
- NHEC Website
- Failure to Pay
- Disconnection by the Cooperative for Non-payment
- Authority
- Disconnect Notice
- Payment Arrangements
- Discontinuance of Service
- Medical Emergency
- Winter Period
- Reconnection of Service After a Disconnection for Non-payment
- Leased or Rental Property
- Disconnection by the Cooperative for Other Reasons
- Access to Member’s Premises
- Classification of Service
- Your Use of Service and Service Limitations
- Your Use of Service
- Can I Resell My Electricity?
- What If My Electricity Use Impacts Others?
- What If My Electric Load Becomes Unbalanced?
- What If I Need to Add Equipment/Load?
- What Is My Liability in the Event of Damages?
- Harmonics
- Conjunctional Service
- Meters and Billing Adjustments
- About Your Meter
- Specialty Meters
- How Do I Know My Meter Is Working Properly?
- How Do We Handle Refunds or Adjustments?
- What Adjustments Are Made When My Voltage Varies?
- Where Will My Meter Be Installed?
- Cases of Dispute
- Characteristics of Service
- What Is an Active Service?
- What Are My Voltage Options?
- What Are the Different Types of Permanent Service?
- What Types of Temporary Service Are Available?
- Master Metering
- Outdoor Lighting
- Our Lighting Service
- Installation of New Lighting
- Member Requested Replacement of Lighting
- Lighting Fixture Failure
- Member Requested Disconnection and Removal of Lighting
- Traffic Control
- Additional Information
- Construction of Distribution Facilities
- Introduction
- New Construction
- Return on Investment Analysis (ROI)
- Modifications to Existing Distribution Facilities
- Payment for Construction
- Recording All Agreements
- Conversion of Service
- Member Requested Temporary Disconnection of Service Lines
- Member Built Lines
- Rights, Permits, and Approvals
- Easements
- Licensing Within Public Ways
- Special Permits
- Recording All Agreements
- Requests for Information
- Co-op Power Charges
- Regional Access Charge
- Consumption and BET Tax Charges
- NHEC Programs
- Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
- Renewable Energy Monitoring Fee
- Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program
- Commercial & Municipal Efficiency Loan Program
- Co-op Renewable Choice Program
- Net Metering
- Introduction
- General Information
- Individual Net Metering
- Group Net Metering
- Below the Cap Net Metering
- Renewable Energy Certificates
- Demand Response
Terms and Conditions
Membership Rights and Responsibilities
Service Interruption
- When necessary to permit us to make repairs to or changes in our electrical facilities; such action to be taken upon reasonable notice to the members to be affected, if practicable, or without any notice in an emergency when such notification would be impracticable or would prolong a dangerous situation.
- When conditions on the transmission system with which our facilities are interconnected make it appear necessary for the common good.
- When an interruption or variance is caused by weather events such as snow, ice, wind, storm, drought, strike, war, malicious acts or acts of vandalism or other cause beyond our control, or by any cause except failure to act or willful neglect on our part.
B. Obtaining Service
1. Application for Service
- Locations with an Existing Meter
- If you’d like to become a Co-op member, you can apply by mail, telephone, or other acceptable electronic means. You must be the person, corporation, or other legal entity that wants to receive electric service from us and agree to be the member of record for the electric service. Prospective members must be 18 years of age or older.
- We will need some personal information in order to establish your account and to verify your identity and creditworthiness. Following federal guidelines, we require reasonable verification of your identity, service address, and mailing address. This may include a request for your driver’s license, date of birth, proof of age, and/or social security number. We may make copies of these documents.
- We may need to contact you from time to time about your account or your electric service. For that reason, we need you to update us when your contact information changes. This information may include phone numbers, email addresses, or other points of contact. By providing this contact information, you consent to our use of that information, including your mobile phone number, to contact you concerning your account or electric service. We maintain the confidentiality of member contact information.
- When we establish or re-establish an electric service account for you at a meter and/or light location, we will charge a fee to cover the cost associated with this service. Please refer to our Schedule of Fees for details.
- Once all of the application requirements are completed, we will strive to complete the service connection, where a metered service exists, within three (3) business days.
- Whether or not a signed application for service is made by you and accepted by us, the rendering of service by the Cooperative, and its use by you, shall be deemed a contract and is subject to these Terms and Conditions, our Tariff, and our Schedule of Fees and Rates. In accordance with New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission rules, we may discontinue service if service is obtained from us without authority or through false pretense. The use of service, even if without proper notification by you to us, makes you liable for the service and subject to all provisions of the rates and/or other charges that apply in accordance with our Schedule of Fees and Rates; the amount to be determined by us via measurement where possible, otherwise by estimate.
- New Metered or Light Service (Locations previously not served by us)
- Please refer to Terms and Conditions Section M: Characteristics of Service and Terms and Conditions Section P: Construction of Distribution Facilities.
- Security Deposit
- We may require payment of a deposit prior to establishing a new account. Please refer to section Terms and Conditions Section C: Security Deposits for details.
- Refusal of Service
- We may reject a prospective member’s application for service if it is made by, or for the benefit of, a former member who owes us money for service previously furnished if the New Hampshire statute of limitations has not expired. This practice is often referred to as “name swapping” and we may deny service due to an arrearage for prior service furnished in the name of a person other than the prospective member when:
- They resided together at the address where the arrearage was incurred;
- They both received, or will receive the benefit of the electric service;
- The prospective member refuses to enter into a reasonable payment arrangement for the outstanding debt.
- We may reject a prospective member’s application for service if it is made by, or for the benefit of, a former member who owes us money for service previously furnished if the New Hampshire statute of limitations has not expired. This practice is often referred to as “name swapping” and we may deny service due to an arrearage for prior service furnished in the name of a person other than the prospective member when:
- We may also reject any prospective member’s application for service for:
- Failure to make a deposit and/or advance payment if required.
- When the cost to construct and/or maintain the service exceeds the estimated distribution revenue and an economical solution or agreement cannot be reached.
- When the member or prospective member fails to provide truthful and accurate information as requested or fails to provide any required documentation in a timely fashion, such as an application, load data survey sheet, easement, or permit.
- When the member or prospective member’s equipment does not meet our construction standards or applicable national, state, or local codes.
- When the member or prospective member’s service connection or equipment is not located or installed as previously agreed with our representative.
- When the member or prospective member fails to meet their obligations pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.
2. Term of Service
- Unless specifically provided for in writing by us, all members are subject to a minimum term of service at one location of not less than 12 consecutive months. If you disconnect then reconnect after a period of less than 12 months, a fee shall apply.
- Members served at our Primary Service classifications are subject to a minimum term of service at one location of not less than five (5) years. Primary Service members that terminate their service in less than the minimum term shall make payment to us in an amount equal to the remaining months in the minimum term of service multiplied by the then-current minimum bill applicable to the rate(s) under which the member is being served in accordance with the these Terms and Conditions and Schedule of Fees and Rates.
- We may waive billing of the minimum term charge if the service is transferred to another member within a short period of time, or we determine we have recovered our investment in facilities to serve the member’s location, or for other situations as we deemed reasonable.