Beware of Utility Scams! Scammers are after your money and personal information! One of their favorite tricks is to pose as employees of NHEC or other utilities. Beware when someone calls or visits with offers to save you money, or threatening to disconnect your electric service. Never provide personal financial or electric account information to any unsolicited person on the phone, at the door or online, even if they seem legitimate. Don’t trust your caller ID – scammers can manipulate your caller ID to say the caller is NHEC. NHEC never demands instant payment over the phone or requires the use of pre-paid debit cards. Members scheduled for disconnection due to nonpayment receive a written notice that includes information on how to maintain their service. Verify you are speaking with an NHEC representative by asking for some basic information: name on the account, account address, and the exact past due balance. When in doubt, trust your instincts – hang up the phone and call NHEC at (800) 698-2007 to confirm that we called you. s Don’t be a Victim! FAQs on Preventing Metering Scams