Hosting Capacity 

The Hosting Capacity map below of the NHEC service territory is a resource for members and others looking to locate distributed energy systems in areas served by NHEC.

The map displays the hosting capacity of the NHEC system at each point in the distribution system and is intended to be a guide for potential interconnection applicants. It also provides information that is useful for determining the parameters for interconnection, such as available capacity, line voltage, proximity to a substation, etc. 

This data is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for the established NHEC interconnection application process. 

How to Use the Map

The Control Bar

In the upper right hand corner of the map, there is a black bar with icons in it. On the left of the bar is a link to the map legend.  Clicking on this link will bring up the legend for color coding in a separate window.


The binoculars icon allows you to search by the address.  The selection box that says “Visible layers” (underneath the entry box at the top) should be changed to “Address”. You may enter a street address or a town in the entry box and click Search. If a result is found, a list of matches will show up under the “Addresses” tab. Clicking on the address will position the map at that address.      Clicking on the “Features” tab will then bring up the “gs_hosting_capacity” for that location.

The Identify icon allows you to click on a particular point on a circuit (colored line on the map) to get information about the NHEC system, including the Hosting Capacity at that location. The Identify function gives you four different methods for selecting a location. Select Point by clicking on the dot (far left) of the four boxes at the top of the Identify window. You may then click on any point on a circuit, and the Features box will display an item called “gs_hosting_capacity” with a reference number that corresponds to this  location.  If you click on this reference number an information box will pop up on the map that contains the hosting capacity for that location. 

The information table will point to the corresponding location on the circuit, and will display the hosting capacity at that point.

The Globe Icon allows you to reset the map to full extent.  Clicking on the globe resets the map to the full extent (zooms out). Zoom In/Zoom out:  The “+” sign and “-“ sign zoom the map in and out.



Navigating within the map

Basic map navigation can be done two ways. You can zoom in or out using the scroll wheel on your mouse. By pressing and holding down the left mouse button, you can move around the map to different locations. The map operation is very similar to popular map programs such as Google Maps. Or, the second way to position the map location is to enter an address.

If you click on the link that says “Hosting Capacity Legend” another window will open on the browser that shows the meaning of the color code for the feeders.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is hosting capacity?

A: It is the estimate of the maximum generator output (in kW) that can be added to a location on the NHEC distribution system without the need for a system upgrade.

Q: Does adequate hosting capacity at my location guarantee that I will be able to interconnect my generator with no additional cost or study?

A: No, it is not a guarantee. The HCA is intended as a guide to provide more information to interconnection applicants regarding the potential impact of their proposed generator on the NHEC system.

Q: Are interconnection applications going to require the use of the HCA?

A: No. The HCA is simply intended to provide more information that might be useful to members when planning to interconnect distributed generation.

Q: I am a homeowner and I am planning to add a 6 kW solar photovoltaic system to my house. I looked at the HCA Map where my home is located and it says there is 0 hosting capacity there. Does that mean I will not be allowed to have solar on my home?

A: No, definitely not! At this time it is NHEC’s policy and practice to allow any system, 10 kW or less, to be interconnected without additional study or costs associated with system improvement of primary distribution, if  possible. Of course, in some cases there may be limitations on the NHEC system that must be addressed during the interconnection process. However, the HCA is not considered in the interconnection process.


The Hosting Capacity data obtained through use of the HCA map is intended only as a guide for our members. This data is being provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for the established NHEC interconnection application process. NHEC does not make any guarantees that placement of generation at any point on our system will not involve costs for studies or system upgrades. Our engineering team must certify that a generator can be interconnected safely in every case. Use of the HCA map can only provide an indication as to where there may be capacity in the NHEC system. It is not a complete system impact analysis since it doesn’t account for all factors that could impact interconnection. Our interconnection process will be the ultimate determination as to the costs and requirements for interconnection of a generator regardless of size or available capacity.