High Efficiency Heat Pumps

Heat pump technology and equipment are always advancing. These days, heat pumps can keep you warm and save you money, even in chilly New Hampshire.  And for those hot summers, heat pumps provide air conditioning with the flip of a switch. 

A heat pump uses technology similar to a refrigerator or freezer to heat or cool your home or business. Rather than combusting a fuel, heat pumps move heat from an outside source to inside, even when it’s below freezing out. Ultimately, what that means is you can heat your home more efficiently and see the results in your energy costs. High efficiency heat pumps are 300% more efficient than traditional heating systems. Co-op members can add to their savings with rebates that can save thousands on equipment costs. Contact us to learn more today: heatpumps@nhec.com.

Heat Pump Rebates

NHEC provides heat pump incentives for members installing heat pumps in existing buildings or in new construction. These rebates are available to members of New Hampshire Electric Cooperative while funding is available.

  • Air-Source Heat Pump Incentive – $250 per ton (Standard Incentive)
  • Whole House Incentive – $250 per ton (This incentive is in addition to the Standard Incentive)
  • For those members who install enough qualified heat pumps equipment that it offsets at least 80% of total load of the home. Primary fuel types are oil, propane, kerosene, wood, and pellets.
  • Verification required.
  • Weatherization Incentive – $250 per ton (This incentive is in addition to the Standard Incentive)
  • For those members who are also participating in Home Energy Performance with ENERGY STAR® program and install qualified heat pump equipment within the same program year.
  • Electric Resistance Retro-fit Incentive – $1,250.00 per ton
  • For those members who install enough qualified heat pumps equipment that it offsets 80% at least of total load of the home. Primary heat source must be electric resistance.
  • Verification required.
  • Cooling ONLY Air-Source Heat Pump Incentive – $70 per ton
  • Wi-Fi Thermostat Incentive – $85.00 per unit (In conjunction with a qualified heat pump installation)

How Heat Pumps Work 

A heat pump uses technology similar to a refrigerator or freezer to heat or cool your building. A heat pump is highly efficient because instead of creating heat, it uses electric power to move heat from one place to another, in the same manner your refrigerator extracts heat from the inside and expels it to the back of the fridge. Heat pumps can heat or cool your building up to three times more efficiently than conventional HVAC, and you’ll see the results in your energy costs. 

Benefits of Heat Pumps 

Heat Pumps for Heating 

While many people think of heat pumps as solutions for cooling they provide a significant benefit for heating as well.  In Northern New England, the number of days needed for heating are typically twice that of the number of days needed for cooling.  Heat pump efficiencies exceed 300% throughout most of the heating season with many systems maintaining high efficiencies and output in temperatures as low as -20°F.  Oil and propane systems are usually around 85-95% efficient and electric baseboard 100%. 

Heat Pumps for Air Conditioning 

Your heat pump also has the ability to switch instantly from heating to cooling. Heat pumps extract heat from inside your building and transfer it outside, much like a refrigerator.  A heat pump dehumidifies the air as it cools, resulting in a much more comfortable environment. There’s no need to empty the reservoir of water as your heat pump has a permanent drain to the outside.  A heat pump is extremely quiet, unlike traditional air conditioners. 

Heat Pumps for comfort and convenience

Easily control and maintain your climate at your comfort levels.  Traditional heating and cooling systems operate in an “on/off” mode meaning the system is either heating/cooling the space or it is off.  The result is a wide temperature swing as the traditional system will “overshoot” the temperature set point and then shut off while slowly “undershooting” the set point before turning back on.  With an inverter driven heat pump, the system will speed up or slow down to meet the heating/cooling needs of the space just like the gas pedal on your car allows you to navigate city and highway driving.  This provides a consistent temperature, quiet operation, and high efficiencies. Even when you are away from the building, you can monitor and adjust your heat pumps accordingly using a mobile app.    

 Heat Pumps are safe 

Unlike gas heating or wood burners, there are no flames or hot surfaces. They can also be safely left on while you’re out or asleep. Heat pumps don’t create smoke, ash, moisture or any other waste material. Plus, there’s no need to go out in the dark for more firewood or pellets! 

 Other Great Benefits of Heat Pumps  

  • Heat Pumps can add value to the building as an efficient way to heat and cool 
  • Heat Pumps save space versus having separate heating and cooling systems 
  • Heat Pumps are “eco-friendly” as they have no on-site carbon emissions  
  • Heat Pumps dehumidify creating a more comfortable space 
  • Heat Pumps require very little maintenance especially compared to traditional heating systems 


Operating & Maintenance Tips 

  • Set it and forget it!  Don’t make big changes to the setpoint on the heat pumps like you would with traditional heating systems.  Heat pumps operate at their highest efficiency when they run low and slow, and big set point changes will make them kick into high gear 
  • Clean the air filters once a month, or as needed. The inside air handling unit needs a constant flow of air to work efficiently. When the filter gets dirty, it causes the air handler to work overtime just to get air through the unit.  Some air filters can be cleaned with water or by lightly vacuuming them. 
  • Keep the outdoor condensing unit free from debris. If leaves, dirt, and other debris clog the intake, this will cause the unit to work less efficiently, and can lead to damage of the components.  It is very important to remove snow or ice buildup during the winter. 
  • Clean the vents. When you’re clean air filters, take time to clean the air intake vents. Like the filters, if the vent gets clogged, it causes the air handler to work harder than it should. 
  • Don’t enclose your heat pump to try to protect it from outdoor elements, the units are designed for outdoor use. 
  • Make sure vents inside the building are clear. If you have furniture blocking a vent or have curtain/drapes in front of unit the room won’t warm or cool properly. This makes the entire system work harder. 
  • Have an annual checkup. An HVAC technician can check the entire system and see if there are any leaks or other problems that need to be addressed. This helps the system to work more efficiently, and also prolongs its life. 

For more information regarding High Efficiency Heat Pumps and Rebates, please contact NHEC at heatpumps@nhec.com.