Voting Opens in NHEC Board of Directors Election by NHEC | May 10, 2022 | Board of Directors, UncategorizedPLYMOUTH, NH (May 10, 2022) – Voting is underway in the 2022 New Hampshire Electric Cooperative (NHEC) Board of Directors election. A hallmark of the cooperative business model is self-governance and the democratic election of directors by the members they serve. NHEC members are again voting to elect their representatives on the organization’s board of directors. This year, six candidates are running to fill four seats on the 11-member board of directors. All the candidates are NHEC members and were nominated by the NHEC Nominating Committee, an independent panel of members that reviews the qualifications of each candidate and recommends those it believes would best contribute to the successful operation of NHEC. Seeking election in 2022 are nominated candidates Alana Albee of Center Tuftonboro, David Boyce of Moultonborough, Sharon Davis of Campton, John Goodrich of Littleton, Carolyn Kedersha of Melvin Village, and Thomas Mongeon of Rumney. NHEC members are receiving written statements from the candidates in support of their candidacies, along with a paper ballot. To save time, money and resources, NHEC encourages all members to vote securely online instead of returning a paper ballot. Each ballot mailing will include instructions for voting quickly and securely online. NHEC members have until Wednesday, June 8, 2022 to return their completed paper ballot or cast their electronic ballot. Election results will be announced at the 83rd Annual Meeting of Members, to be held Tuesday, June 14th at 10 a.m. at the Merrill Place Conference Center on the campus of Plymouth State University. For the first time in two years, NHEC is welcoming members back in-person to the Annual Meeting. Members can also attend the Annual Meeting online. To register to attend the meeting online, please visit All NHEC members are welcome to attend.
NHEC Board Appoints New Director to Fill Vacancy by NHEC | Apr 27, 2022 | Board of Directors, UncategorizedPLYMOUTH, NH – The New Hampshire Electric Cooperative’s (NHEC) Board of Directors has appointed a new member to fill the vacancy created by a recent resignation. Harry Viens of Center Harbor was voted by the Board to fill the vacancy that was created when Daniel Senie of Charlestown resigned on March 23. Because the vacancy on the Board occurred within 100 days of the next annual meeting of the members, which is scheduled for June 14, the NHEC bylaws require the Board to vote to fill the vacancy by appointment. Mr. Viens will serve on the Board until the next annual meeting of the members, which will be held in June 2023. Mr. Viens had previously served three terms on the NHEC Board from 2010 – 2020.
Feb. 10 Deadline for Board Candidate Nominations by NHEC | Jan 24, 2022 | Board of Directors, UncategorizedPLYMOUTH – Members of the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative (NHEC) interested in being considered for nomination to the NHEC Board of Directors should submit their candidate material to the NHEC Nominating Committee by February 10, 2022. Any NHEC member in good standing can run for a seat on the board. NHEC members vote annually to fill open seats on the board. To learn more about the director election process, please visit To apply, please contact Sharon Yeaton ( for a candidate packet. “This is an exciting time to be involved with NHEC,” said Interim General Manager James Bakas. “At a time of great change in the way energy and information is shared, our board and employees are embracing new ways to support the lives of our member-owners. It’s an important and rewarding job.” Board members are elected to three-year terms. Four of the 11 seats are up for election this year. Election ballots are mailed to all members in May. Winners will be seated at the Annual Meeting of Members in June. The NHEC Nominating Committee meets each year to review applications and interview candidates for the board of directors. Committee members consider the needs of the cooperative and nominate a slate of candidates they feel can best meet those needs. The candidates selected will be identified on the ballot as having been nominated by the nominating committee. NHEC is a member-owned electric distribution cooperative serving 85,000 homes and businesses in 118 New Hampshire communities.
Members Reelect Four Incumbents to NHEC Board of Directors by NHEC | Jun 16, 2021 | Board of Directors, UncategorizedPLYMOUTH, NH – Members of New Hampshire Electric Cooperative (NHEC) have reelected four members to the company’s Board of Directors. A total of six candidates were running for election to four open seats on the Co-op’s 11-member Board of Directors. As a member-owned cooperative, NHEC is governed by Directors who are elected by the membership. The four candidates elected by NHEC’s members were Jeffrey Morrill of Holderness, Brenda Boisvert of Campton, Daniel Senie of Charlestown and Edward French of Raymond. All four winning candidates are incumbent Board members and will serve three-year terms. Below are the full results of the 2021 Board of Directors election. Jeffrey Morrill 5,548 Brenda Boisvert 4,582 Daniel Senie 4,419 Edward French 3,833 John Goodrich 3,791 Carla Muskat 3,710 At NHEC’s Board Organizational Meeting on June 16, 2021 the Board of Directors elected the following officers to serve one-year terms: Chair of the Board – Jeffrey Morrill Vice Chair of the Board – Daniel Senie Treasurer – Edward French Assistant Treasurer – Carolyn Kedersha Secretary – Brenda Boisvert
Voting Opens in NHEC Board Election by NHEC | May 12, 2021 | Board of Directors, UncategorizedPLYMOUTH, NH (May 12, 2021) – Voting is underway in the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative (NHEC) annual Board of Directors election. NHEC members vote each year on the organization’s Board of Directors. This year NHEC members are voting to fill four seats on NHEC’s Board of Directors. NHEC members have until Thursday, June 10, 2021 to return their completed paper ballot or cast their electronic ballot via a secure, online portal. Election results will be announced at the 82nd Annual Meeting of Members, to be held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, June 16, 2021. Due to ongoing restrictions on public gatherings, the annual meeting will be conducted online, with no physical location. To register to attend the online meeting, please visit All NHEC members are welcome to attend and will be able to interact with presenters. Six candidates are seeking election this year to four seats on NHEC’s 11-member Board of Directors. All six candidates were selected by the NHEC Nominating Committee, which reviews the qualifications of each candidate and recommends those it feels would best contribute to the successful operation of NHEC. This year’s candidates selected by the Nominating Committee include Brenda Boisvert of Campton, Edward French of Raymond, John Goodrich of Littleton, Jeffrey Morrill of Holderness, Carla Muskat of Center Sandwich and Daniel Senie of Charlestown. NHEC members are receiving written statements from the candidates in support of their candidacies, along with a ballot. All members will have the opportunity to vote online instead of returning a paper ballot, using unique login codes provided in their ballot mailing.
Feb. 4 Deadline for Nominating Committee Candidates by NHEC | Jan 19, 2021 | Board of Directors, UncategorizedPLYMOUTH – Members of the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Co-op) interested in being considered for nomination to the Board of Directors should submit their material to the Nominating Committee by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 4, 2021. More information is available on NHEC’s web site at “The Co-op seeks qualified members with diverse personal, professional and geographical backgrounds,” says Steve Camerino, President/CEO at the Co-op. “NHEC is a member-owned, non-profit organization, and serving on the board of directors is one of the ways members can have a direct impact on how this democratically controlled organization is run. It is an important and rewarding job.” Board members are elected to three-year terms. Four of the 11 seats are up for election this year. Election ballots will be sent to all members in May. Those elected will be seated at the Annual Meeting of Members, Wednesday, June 16, 2021. The Nominating Committee meets numerous times to review the applications and interview candidates for the Board of Directors. This year’s meetings and interviews will be conducted remotely via Zoom. After completing the process, the Committee nominates a slate of candidates to be included on the ballot. The candidates selected will be identified on the ballot as having been nominated by the Nominating Committee. If you or someone you know are interested in applying, contact Sharon Yeaton at 603-536-8801 or for a candidate packet.