Patricia Barbour

NHEC Service Location: Lee, NH
Character of NHEC Service Location: Residential – Primary Home
Primary Residence: Lee, NH

 Work Experience
Pat is a practicing Certified Public Accountant, licensed in the state of New Hampshire. Over her career she has focused on tax preparation and consulting services to a variety of individuals and small businesses. Pat also taught graduate and undergraduate accounting courses as an adjunct faculty at Southern New Hampshire University. Most recently, Pat completed her board membership with First Seacoast Bank, headquartered in Dover, NH. During her tenure, the bank completed a public offering and joined NASDAQ.


  • Master of Business Administration – University of New Hampshire
  • Master of Science in Biochemistry – University of Colorado
  • Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry – University if New Hampshire

 Community Service

  • Town of Lee Advisory Budget Committee (presently serving)
  • Town of Lee Capital Improvements Plan Committee (presently serving)
  • Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors, Revolving Loan Fund Committee (presently serving)
  • Foundation for Seacoast Health Trustee (past), Finance and investment Committee (presently serving)
  • Portsmouth Athenaeum proprietor (presently serving)
  • Portsmouth Rotary Club (past)
