Our Plan Our Plan Working Toward Renewable Resources Together NHEC has the goal that by 2025, at least 25 percent of the power purchased for use by our members will be generated by renewable resources. This is the goal of New Hampshire’s RPS as well as the 25×25 Vision of the Energy Future Coalition. Progress toward that goal is measured in megawatt hours purchased and the number of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) we get as a company. To acquire RECs, NHEC is using its purchasing power and the strength in numbers of Co-op members who are installing renewable energy systems of their own. Purchasing Power Since July 2007 the Co-op Board resolved to support the development and procurement of renewable resources in the mix of NHEC’s “Co-op Power” by offering energy services to members that include RECs and are cost-effective and appropriate to NHEC’s power resources portfolio Strength in Numbers NHEC purchases the RECs generated by our members who install solar PV and solar hot water systems. By pooling together the RECs of our members and our own actions, we strive to meet New Hampshire’s renewable energy compliance goals. Resources 2018 Co-op Power Sources