NHEC Meter Replacement Project

Questions & Answers


NHEC will be replacing a significant number of electric meters in 2019 and 2020. Not all members are receiving new meters. Meter replacements will cause minimal disruption to members but will cause a brief loss of power. There is no charge for members receiving replacement meters.

Q:        Why is NHEC replacing electric meters?

A:        The meter replacements are the result of an agreement between NHEC and Honeywell/Elster that will resolve a claim brought by NHEC relating to meters provided by Elster to NHEC in 2012. The original meters were part of NHEC’s project to implement Automated Metering Infrastructure, which, among other important features, would enable NHEC to receive electronic notification of service outages without the need for members to contact NHEC by phone. Elster has agreed to replace a significant number of meters, whether or not those meters were outside the warranty. The meters being replaced are ones that may not allow the automated outage notification feature to function properly.

Q:        Are the new meters a different type from those they are replacing?

A:        No.  Both the existing and replacement meters are REX-2 models. They have the same overall design, specifications, functions and capabilities. The replacement meters are of a more recent manufacturing date.

Q:        When are meter replacements occurring?

A:        The installation of replacement meters will be carried out across NHEC’s system over a maximum period of two years with the majority of work occurring in the Spring, Fall and Summer months of 2019 and 2020.

Q:        Where are meters being replaced?

A:        Meters will be replaced in nearly every town served by NHEC, but not all members in those towns will receive new meters.

Fall – Winter 2019-20

We are currently replacing meters in the following towns:

(NOTE: UPA installers may be working in other towns not listed here)

Q:        Who is performing the meter replacements?

A:        Installation work will be performed by Utility Partners of America (UPA), contractor for NHEC. Installers will be carrying photo identification and driving vehicles marked with both the UPA and NHEC logos.


Q:        What is the meter replacement process?

A:        When they arrive at a home or business, UPA installers will notify building occupants that they will be replacing the electric meter. The replacement will require a brief outage that typically lasts about one minute. If no one is home, installers will replace the meter and leave a door hanger with information about the meter replacement.

Q:        Is there a charge for receiving a replacement meter?

A:        No. Meters are being replaced free of charge.

Q:        Are meters being replaced because they are unsafe or inaccurate?

A:        No. Both the existing and replacement meters are safe and accurate. The meter replacements are the result of an agreement between NHEC and Honeywell/Elster that will resolve a claim brought by NHEC relating to meters provided by Elster to NHEC in 2012. NHEC’s claims had nothing to do with accuracy or safety.
