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Storm Preparedness

NH PUC: Order Nisi Approving Requests to Modify Energy Efficiency Portion of System Benefit Charges and Local Distribution Adjustment Charges

1 minute read

In this order, the Commission approves on a nisi basis the tariff change filings reflecting a 4.978 percent increase to the energy efficiency charge (EEC) charged to New Hampshire ratepayers and collected by the electric and natural gas utilities, as a component of either the electric-utility System Benefits Charge (SBC) or the gas-utility Local Distribution Adjustment Charges (LDAC).1 As an illustrative example of bill impacts, a typical residential electric customer of Liberty Utilities (Granite State Electric) Corp. d/b/a Liberty (Liberty Electric), using 650 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month, will see an overall 4 percent increase in the SBC as a result of Liberty Electric’s EEC proposal, resulting in an 18-cent monthly increase in bills.