Electing Your Board

New Hampshire Electric Cooperative is governed by a board of eleven directors elected by and from the membership. Directors are elected for three-year staggered terms, with at least three to be elected each year.

Q: How are Board members chosen? 
A: Board members are elected by a mail or electronic ballot vote of Co-op members. 

Q: When are Board members elected? 
A: Board members are elected annually by ballots, mailed in May, with the results announced at the Co-op’s Annual Meeting in June. New members are seated immediately following the Annual Meeting. 

Q: How can a Co-op member become a candidate for election to the Board of Directors?
A: In accordance with the Co-op’s bylaws, candidates can be nominated by a Nominating Committee or may petition to be included on the director election ballot.

Q: What are the qualifications to be a director? 
A: In accordance with the Co-op’s bylaws, a member must: 
  • Have the capacity to enter legally binding contracts under New Hampshire law, 
  • Not have been convicted of a felony under any state or federal law, 
  • During the 12 months preceding nomination or appointment or at any time during incumbency, not be delinquent in the payments owed to the Cooperative or refuse to fulfill any other membership obligation, 
  • Not be currently employed by the Cooperative, or have terminated employment with the Cooperative within the past 3 years, 
  • Not be in any way employed by or to a significant degree financially interested in a competing enterprise or a business selling electric energy, electrical supplies, or other similar goods and/or services to the Cooperative. 
Q: What is the Nominating Committee? 
A: Each year, the Board of Directors appoints a Nominating Committee of not less than five (5) nor more than eleven (11) members who are selected so as to give equitable representation on the committee to the membership of the Cooperative. The Nominating Committee must prepare and post its list of nominations for director at least 90 days prior to the Annual Meeting. In preparing its list of nominations, the Nominating Committee meets numerous times to review resumes and questionnaires and interview candidates. The Committee considers a candidate’s background, skills and the value he or she could bring to the governance of the Cooperative. 

Q: How many candidates are nominated by the Nominating Committee? 
A: There are no bylaws governing the number of candidates put forward by the Nominating Committee. The Committee may nominate more candidates than there are open seats, or fewer. 

Q: Are there alternatives to the nomination process? 
A: Yes. In accordance with the Co-op’s bylaws any one hundred (100) members may make other nominations in writing over their signatures not less than sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Meeting. Qualified petition candidates will have their names listed on the director election ballot with candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee. A notation on the ballot will indicate whether a candidate was nominated by the Nominating Committee or by petition. 

Q: Where can interested candidates get more information? 
A: Consult the Cooperative bylaws for complete information, or contact Maida Lessard at 603-536-8861 or lessardm@nhec.com