William Darcy
Board ChairBill has considerable experience in the utility sector. He was a utility consumer advocate focusing on regulated electric and telecommunications industries. He then became the Director of Regulation for a public utilities commission with responsibility for electric, telephone, gas, and water companies.
Bill also served as the President and CEO of a statewide solid waste management and recycling authority providing services to over 100 municipalities and two million residents using waste-to-energy facilities, recycling processing facilities, transfer stations, and landfills. At the time, with four electric generating facilities, his organization was the largest independent power producer in the State of Connecticut.
At NHEC, in addition to being Chair of the Board of Directors, he is Chair of NHEC’s subsidiary, NH Broadband, LLC. He headed up NHEC’s successful effort to secure a $50 million grant for NHEC’s fiber internet business.
Bill earned a degree in History/Political Science from the University of Vermont and a Juris Doctor degree, with honors, from the University of Connecticut School of Law.
Bill is Chair of the Town of Benton’s Board of Selectmen and Secretary of its Planning Board. He is a member of the Appalachian Mountain Club and is a United States Forest Service Trail Adopter for the Black Mountain Trail in Benton.