‘Button Up New Hampshire’ Energy Savings Workshops Announced by NHEC | Aug 28, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments Button Up New Hampshire, the popular home energy savings workshop series, is returning to a community near you. These free workshops will take place throughout NH starting in September. The workshops are being sponsored by NHSaves and coordinated by the Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative (PAREI). NHSaves is a collaboration of New Hampshire’s electric and natural gas utilities, Eversource, Liberty Utilities, NH Electric Cooperative and Unitil, working with the NH Public Utilities Commission and other interested parties to provide NH customers with information, incentives, and support designed to save energy, reduce costs, and protect our environment statewide. The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities to provide energy audits and weatherization, rebates on electric and gas appliances as well as new construction. NH residents wishing to use energy more efficiently, conserve energy and save money on their heating and cooling bills, will find the information very useful. The Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative of Plymouth, NH is working with local groups statewide to organize the workshops for the public on behalf of New Hampshire’s utilities. Each workshop is sponsored by the utilities through NHSaves and hosted by a local partner. The utilities are offering a free LED light bulb to the first 10 households who attend each workshop. Each workshop is presented by a knowledgeable BPI Certified Building Analyst and a utility representative will also be available to answer further questions about their programs. The workshop series will kick off with a workshop in Gilford, NH on Thursday, September 7th at 6:00pm. The workshop is being organized by the Gilford Public Library located on 31 Potter Hill Road in Gilford. All are welcome to attend. The workshop organizers still have open slots on their schedule for additional local partners who are interested in hosting a NHSaves Button Up Workshop for their community. If your town committee, business or local organization would like to host a free workshop, please contact Robbin Adams, Button Up Coordinator, at the e-mail address below. For more information visit NHSaves.com/events or e-mail or call the Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative at 603-536-5030 or robbin@plymouthenergy.org