Project Care

To apply for assistance from Project Care, please fill out the application and follow the instructions for submittal. If you have questions regarding Project Care or would like a paper application mailed to you, please contact a Member Solutions representative at  1-800-698-2007

Please review the Application Guidelines before applying for assistance. 
List all People Living at the Address Referenced Above(Required)
Weekly Income
Tell us what other agencies you have received or applied to for assistance.(Required)
Agency Name
Date Applied
Did you receive assistance?
If yes, how much?
Agency Referral (Applications with no referral are not eligible for assistance)(Required)
Have you received a referral from a social service agency or town welfare office you accompany your application today?
Max. file size: 16 MB.
If you have your referral please upload it here.
Digital Signature(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY